
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Blood Moon Tutorial

Blood Moon

This tutorial was written by Dianna of Digicats. Any resemblance to any other tutorial living, dead or undead, published or unpublished is purely coincidental.

This tutorial assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP. It was written using PSP X1, but should work with most versions of PSP.

Materials Need:
Cameron's Ocean Mask #2, which is available HERE.
WSL Mask #222, which is available HERE.
The new Blood Moon kit from Scraps by J0e's Wife, which is for sale at Digital Chaos.
Tube of choice. I am using the awesome artwork of Joseph Corsentino, PSP# 11065 Ashlin Titanium.
You need a license to use this artwork, it can be purchased at MyPSPTubes.

Open a new raster layer, 800 x 800 pixels, flood fill white.

Open Paper 30, resize 65% add to image.

Open Paper 1, resize 65%, add to image.

Layers-->Load/Save Mask-->Load Mask from Disk. Find Cameron's Ocean #2, make sure the "fit to layer" box is checked and apply.

Layers-->Merge-->Merge group.

Layers-->Merge-->Merge down.

Layers-->Load/Save Mask-->Load Mask from Disk. Find WSL#222, make sure "fit to layer" is checked and apply.

Layers-->Merge-->Merge group.

Open Blood Moon Element and resize 50%. Add as a new layer, centered at 600H by 200V.

Open Eyelete ribbon Heart frame 3, resize 65% and add as a new layer. Center.

Open tube and extract the transparent layer, and add to image. Center. Expand tube to 300 pixels.

Swap with Frame layer and with the tube layer activated, erase over the portions of the frame that cover the bottom of tube

Swap layers back so frame is underneath tube. With the tube layer activated, clean up any erasing that needs to be done.

Open pentacle and half moon charm 1. Mirror image and add to tag. Center at 280H, 500V. Erase the clasp and ring, leaving only the charm part.

Add copyright info and license number.

Add text as desired. I am using the Omnibus Multiserif system script, bolded, with the transparency set to 75%.

Save artists copy as a .pspimage file. Drop the white background if desired. Go to Layers-->Merge-->Merge visible and save as a .png (or .jpg if you're keeping the white layer) file.

Please feel free to drop me an e-mail if you have any questions or need help with the tutorial.

Time of the Faeries

My Gothic Valentine (Tutorial)

My Gothic Valentine

This tutorial was written by Dianna of Digicats. All resemblance to any other tutorial living, dead or undead, published or unpublished is purely coincidental.

The tutorial was written in PSPX1, but should work in most versions of the program. It assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP.

Materials needed:
Goth tube of choice. I used Vinegar's Duke of Shadows. You must purchase a license at MyPSPTubes to use this tube.
Mask of choice. I used Mask $59 by Wee Scots Lass, which can be found HERE.
The Gothy Valentine taggers kit by Melisa's Scraps, which can be purchased at Creative Scraps or Aussie Scraps.

Open a new raster layer, 800 x 800 pixels, and flood fill white.

Open Paper_8 of the Gothy Valentine kit and resize 75%. Add as a new layer.

With the new layer active, select Layers-->Load/Save mask from Disk-->Load mask from Disk. Find WSL Mask # 59. Make sure the the "adjust size to layer" button it checked and apply.

Selections-->Merge Group.

Open Mask_1 element and resize 75%. Add to image as a new layer centered at 200 x 200, upper left hand corner.

Open the Duke of Shadows tube. Extract the tube and add it as a new later to the image. Center and expand slightly to 400 pixels across.

Open Heart_Doodle1, and add it to the image as an layer. Center at approx 420H and 530V.

Drag under tube layer.

Open LaceFrame_1. Select are 300 pixels x 300 pixels upper left hand corner. Press Delete.
Selects-->Select None.

Selects-->All. Copy & paste as a new layer in main image, and center.

Erase portions of the tube below and on the frame to suit.

Reverse layers, making the frame the top layer, then reactivate the tube layer and made adjustment to erasing as necessary.

With the frame layer active, Open Long StemRose1. Resize to 50 percent, and add as new layer and centered at approximately 450H x 650V.

Select Wings_1 and paste as a new layer covering the stem of the rose. (Centered at about 540H x 450V) Rotate to suit.

With the Rose layer active, select RosePetals_6, resize to 25% and paste as a new selection along the bottom of the image at random. Repeat twice. Select -->Select None.

Repeat the above line, using RosePetals_7.

Add copyright and text as desired. I used the Horros font for the name, which can be found HERE.

Adjust Mask_1 to suit. I moved mine to the right enough to remove any of the white between the tube and the mask.

Save artist's copy as .pspimage. Dismiss white background layer if desired, and choose Layers-->Merge->Merge Visible and save as a .jpg or .png as desired.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Midnight Dreams

The Scrapping Bratz Valentine Blog Train is set to leave the station tomorrow, although several designers already have their offerings up if you care to get a jump on the thing. This is a big one, so it's probably going to take a while to collect. Myself, I'm sort of valentined out and am wondering if I really need to do this - I've probably got as much VD stuff as I do Xmas! Yikes!

So, Valentines aside, Designs by Ali had released a new kit call "The Pirate in Me" so I was all set to do Pirate tags last night. Or so I thought. When I went to download the kit, the file came back invalid or corrupted. ::sigh:: So instead, I decided to work with another Designs by Ali kit, called Midnight Dreams, which I'd purchased earlier this month. This is a beautiful kit in black, white, gold and silver and while I was working with it, I could tell it was just begging to be a blog layout.

Midnight Dreams

It comes with a couple of the goth Pauline posers from KairinaKat Kreations which I used in this tag and given the "Dark & Beautiful" background could probably work as a goth kit, but it struck me as being too elegant for that. The Black Gold alpha from Bizee 1 Digi-Arts fits in just perfect, so I used it throughout this series.

Midnight Dreams

Generally speaking, I have no use for bridal posers, but the "Snow Bride" set from Bits'N'Bobs was on sale and well...they are very beautiful pieces. Since I wanted something more elegant I chose to use them with this kit. They did work very well, I will say that, and they are fantasy pieces after all.

Midnight Dreams

And of course, lots of bling in the kit, which I just adore. I can just image what a dress like that would cost in the real world. Yikes!

Midnight Dreams

The World Art in the background is from Ginger's House and Of course, I glitterfied it. I didn't really want word art, so much as I wanted something in the background. That font didn't lend itself well to glitter, but what the heck...

Midnight Dreams

The gold "sweethearts" are from an element pack by Krissy's Scraps. I bought them because I feel I always have a use for hearts, but to date, I've not had a chance to use them. Of course, I have kitty and woofie tags to get through, so I'm sure they'll come in useful. I was actually looking for the red 3-D looking ones, but evidently, I didn't buy that package.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this little bridal fantasy. At least you don't have to worry about catching the bouquet.

Down Under (Part I)

In doing the Down Under project I had three sources of scraps and an alpha. The main source came from Krissy's Scraps Independance Day taggers kit. Krissy is a Kiwi designer and yes, the kit was done for American Indepence day, but that's the nice thing about red, white and blue. It's multi-useful.

The Aussie scraps came from the Aussie Day Mini-Kit from Lindsay Jane Designs, who hails from Adalaide, and the Aussie Day Mega Kit by EmCee Designs.

The Alpha is from MeeGee Designs, a lady who lives in Sydney. So aside from the scraps I actually made, they're all from down under.


Domestic Longhair

The ribbon and the dragronfly are from Krissy's Kit, while the background is from the Aussie Mini-Kit. The button is from EmCee Scraps.

Vampy Victor

Burmese Cat

The word art is from the Aussie Mini-kit, the rest came from the Independance Day Kit.


Tabby Cat

I noticed a bunch of the kats being heavily tagged. I found that interesting. I gather their ownership regulations are stricter than in the States. The fireworks in the piece came from the New Year's Bash kit by Tantrum Scraps, while the Metal Alpha is from NettieB.


Domestic Mediumhair

The blue background is from Krissy's kit while I had to make up the flag pattern myself. The red velvet ribbon is actually from the Canada kit that I have. The frame & the five pointed stars is from the Aussie Day Mini kit, while, as above the Alpha is from Nettie B. The seven pointed star I had to create myself.


Tabby Cat

Pretty much the same as Slash - the background is from Krissy's kit while the rest of the scraps came from the Aussie Day Mini Kit. The alpha is of course for MeeGee Designs.

Oscar the Wonder Cat

Domestic Mediumhair

The "flag tag" is from the Aussie Day Mega kit, which isn't really very mega, while the rest of the scraps hail from the Independance Day taggers kit.

Banner & Guest List


This where the Mega kit came in handy, as this was one piece and it just needed to add the text. Much of the Mega kit included Yellow and Green, colors I associate more with NZ than with Aus and on the whole, it wasn't fitting into the overall theme of the project.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I was feeling a little less than inspired last night, but I had come across this cute tutorial by Deb's Designs that I wanted to try. It's called "While the Katz Away" and you can find it HERE

Now, I had neither the Pinup toons tube nor the Katz kit by Meadowsong. However, I had a rather unique catwoman tube that was a freebie by Angel's Tubes and I had the "Kitty Cat" kit from Soxsational Scraps so I figured I could adapt.

After quite a bit of adaptation, this is what I came up with.


One of the ladies on Digital Chaos made the comment that she could never follow tutorials anyway, I can kind of sympathize. I was good until we go to applying the mask, which simply would not work for the me the way it was described in the destructions. So I did it way I always do it, which worked fine, no biggy.

Then I realized that the "Kitty Cats" kit did not have a round frame in it. No biggy, I went over to my CU Grab Bag stash, got a scalloped frame template and made my own. The ribbon came with the kit, so I added that.

I have no idea what I supposed to be doing with the poser, so again, I did it myself. She uses two versions of the poser, my way duplicated the frame later, and required a lot less erasing, from what I could see.

Of course the clip art is different, and since there were no balls of yarn, I used the fish bowl instead. The paw prints were a bit of a pain. They were a bit of .jpg clip art and for some reason, I couldn't lift them and put them onto a transparent layer like I usually do with that type of stuff using the magic wand. So ended up resorting to the background eraser. And as the paw-prints were black, I elected to recolor them with glitter before I applied them to the piece.

Given the diffrences in materials, it didn't turn out too bad. As we're hosting weekend cat blogging this weekend on Tabbylicious, I added in the Alpha and text and decided to use it as a banner. The "wild" alpha is from Chriscrap Designs, BTW, and was a freebie.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Good times, weird times...

One of the weird things I noticed I do, is when I'm sitting on the bench with the guys watching baseball, and they're speaking Spanish - if I'm not really paying attention - I can understand the conversation. I had one year of high school Spanish and speak it - very badly - and because I can't speak, they think I don't understand it. So I find out all sorts of interesting things I shouldn't know.

Well, I must be hanging out on Calypso's blog too much because I jumped onto another blog today and read an entire entry in French without realizing it...until I got down to the download part and they switched from French to English. Now if I try to read it - knowing it was French - I couldn't. It has to be automatic. The same with with the Spanish. If I'm thinking about it, I get totally lost.

In any case. Joey came by and dropped a new battery in the car yesterday, and it runs, but it's leaking oil like crazy. The last time I had an oil leak fixed it was like $450. and they really wanted to do about $700 work on the car. ::sigh::

And I finished the kitty cat tags last night, so I can play around a bit tonight.

Here are few more Mardi Gras tags left over from this last weekend...

All of these tags are done with posers from Perfect Posers. I had not intended to buy the Fairy Pack 1, even with the 30% off sale at the Aussie Scrap Store, until I noticed that one of the Fae was dressed in prefect colors for Mardi Gras, sooo....

Carnival Fae 1

Carnival Fae 2

These first two tags are done with scraps from the SNS Mardi Gras Blog Train. The "Foil Cap" alpha in the first tag is from Snowsmoon Designs. It was supposedly a winter themed alpha, but it's perfect for Carnival.

Got Beads?

"Got Beads?" also uses scraps, and word art - although I glitterfied it - from the SNS Mardi Gras Blog train.

Carnival Queen

"Carnival Queen" uses scraps from Baby Cakes Scraps "Sign of the Gypsy Queen" taggers kit. After much hemming and hawing I've decided to make my blog layout for February from this kit, despite the lack of green. It's very glittery and I really like purple, so it seems like a good thing.

--- While we were working on the car yesterday, Joey made the comment that "I need to get some tools". He had to go borrow a socket wrench from the auto parts store. I mean, I told him I didn't have one. "I'm a girl," I said, "I'm not supposed to have tools."

"Yeah, but, I'm a guy," he replies. "It's expected of me."

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hearts & Flowers

Diane at Candy's Treats had a new Valentine kit that she put out as a freebie for 24 hours - getting something like 1,100 downloads. It's now up for sale, but I managed to snag the kit, called "Hearts & Flowers" during the freebie period.

All of these tags use the Red Butterfly Fae by Lacy Clagg. She makes a good valentine girl. So good in fact, that Perfect Poser's Valetina looks quite a lot like her. But I'll get to Charly's offering - probably this weekend. I'm bogged down doing kitty cat tags right now.

All you need

None of these were particularly difficult pieces, but then, doing a tag doesn't need to be hard. The word art was a freebie off Digifree and has no name on it, so I don't recall where I got it from. It came in black, and glitterfied it.

Be Mine

Very similar to the first piece except that I used a mask instead of cutting our a rounded rectangle for the background piece. The word art is courtesy of Darhena.


Since Ginger game me a nice award this weekend, I thought I'd do a tag for her. I wanted to put some of her word art on it, but couldn't find anything short and sweet. So, you get stuck with just a name. The Beautiful Heart alpha is from Southern Scrapz.

Ginger needs to take note however that I did use a natural blond as a poser. LOL!

Love Around

This is the designer tag for Diane. the word art is from Word Art Fun (Linda Winters) while the Letter Beads alpha is courtesy of Denise Tanyer.

Bonus - A Maltese Valentine

A Maltese Valentine

With the Exception of the Gold Heart shaped Frame and the Red alpha, all of the scraps for this tag came from the various freebies that Bonnie over at the Maltese Scrapper has been handing out the last ten days or so.

The heart frame is by Soxsational Scraps and is part of the Valentine Pendants Elemental Pack, while the red heart alpha is Created by Jill. I do have some doggie posers, but not a Maltese, so she had to settle for a fairy. Sorry!

I've shied away from writing tutorials, largely because I don't follow the ones that are out there, but I should probably work on that end of things. I've noticed that some are pretty darn easy while others - especially the animated ones - are very complex. It would be a bit of challenge.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Love Song

Bet your really sick of the oriental stuff huh?

Well...switching back to Valentine's Day, the next three tags all use the Funky Moe poser (c) by Lacy Clagg and scraps from the . There's an under flow of Three Dog Night's "Old Fashioned Love Song" throughout the pieces, so that's where the lyrics came from.

Love Song 1

The Music notes in this are from Grafx-4-All and the heart is a CU Leather Heart is a freebie from Creationz by Jo that I colorized. I could not quite quite the red the color I wanted, and the ribbon was not intended to be gold, but when I hit on the gold I was so happy with it, just let it stick. I'm REALLY pleased with that gold ribbon, even if it's not the color I was trying for. Heh!

Love Song 2

I had started working on this one, and I wanted to do a tag for Bonnie over at the Maltese Scrapper to thank her for all the bits she throws our way, but it seemed sort of silly doing it with Farrah's scraps, even though I threw in the roses and the bracelet, which were recent give aways on Bonnie's blog.

The Beautiful Heart alpha is by Southern Scrapz, BTW.

There is a tag coming up in a different post that I did just for Bonnie using mostly Maltese Scrapper Scraps so...

Love Song 3

Kind of a funky pose by Funky Moe. The background mask is from Cameron, and everything else is from the "Love Song" kit.

Oriental Odds & Ends

Perfect Posers had put out a pack of cat posers which I still refer to as the creepy cat posers because they just don't look right. I'm not sure poser renders fur well, and certainly I've not seen too many long haired varieties out there. However, I'd seen a couple black cat posers over Halloween - one at least from Outlaw by Designs - which looked substantially better, so I knew they could be done.

I finally came across two packs on Share GC of Kitty Cat posers and these are were much better done (and free as well). The two Meezers in the next two tags are by La Chat Designs.

Empire Cat 1

I'd done this first one for Carnival of the Cats - Cat Synth had gone on a trip to China and had pictures of the Cats of China to share - so I used this as a lead in. The scraps are from the Shades of the Orient taggers kit from Designs by Ali.

Empire Cat 2

The scraps for the piece came from Scrappy Redheads' Lotus Blossom kit. The lamp in the background is from Soxsational Scraps "Oriental Wonders" element pack and the vase is from Poser Realm.

The "screen" is a piece of background paper with the transparency set to 65%. The peacock is a doodle that was included in the kit that I glitterfied myself. (Yes some areas were intended not to be colored, that's the way I wanted it to look!)

In both cases - all three actually - I am using masks from Cameron, on papers with matching patterns but different colors to achieve the background effect.

(Note: I have no idea how Digi-free found me, but since you're here, feel free to snag either of the two kitty-cat tags if you'd like to use them. There's plenty of room on either where you can add your name and use them as siggy-tags. Personal use only please.)

LiL China Girl

Lil China Girl

The poser in this kit was a blog freebie from Angel's Tubes, the scraps are from the Chinese Memories kit by ChaDesignz. The parasol is part of the kit, and I was kind of at a loss with it, but it worked very well for this piece. This time the mask was Cameron's Ocean collection (for what it's worth). I think I used the Indy Collection on the Empire Cat tags.

The Satin Gold alpha is from Free Digital Scrapbooking.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Oriental Express

Okay, my bad. The Geisha tube is included in the "Chinese Memories" taggers kit by ChaDesignz, not in the "Lotus Blossom" kit by Redhead. ChaDesignz is a "new" designer for me, I bought three of her kits at the Dollar Day sale at Creative Scraps. The other two kits are the "Gothic Lover" kit, and one just called "Fantasy".

The tags in this post use the "Chinese Memories" kit - we're on a theme here - while the poser is "Anayumi" which is (c) by Lacy Clagg. She is not geisha, but she is very definitely oriental. I love both the shoes and the outfit, although this is another one that in reality would likely be a PIA, with the leggings falling down all the time.

China Girl

Some of the items in this kit come supersized as well, the flowers being one of them. I think that what happens though is she enlarged them to work on them and then forgot to resize them back down to where they should be. This is especially evident in the "charms" you'll see in a couple of the tags.

In the case of the flowers though, I think they are/were full size CU Elements that she included and just never resized down to taggers.

China Girl

This kit uses a lot of elements from Soxsational Scraps "Oriental Wonders" CU element pack - the dragon bridge being one of them. The silver cord bow is NOT a part of the kit, it was part of a freebie pack from Judy Meibusch. A freebie Christmas pack no less!

China Girl

Geisha are are traditional, female Japanese entertainers, whose skills include performing various Japanese arts, such as classical music and dance. The English translations would be "preforming artist" or perhaps just artists. In some parts of Japan, the Geisha are called Geiko, and the term is used to distinguish the traditional arts from the prostitutes who have co-opted the name and attire. The main difference being that true geisha wear the bow of their sash (or obi) in the back, while the prostitutes, who must get dressed and undressed several times a day, wear it in the front.

China Girl

See, this blog is much more than just pretty pictures, it's also a great place to pick up useless facts.

The peacock fan used in this tag is part of a commercial use package from Incognito which I've had my eye on, but still haven't bought as they are a bit pricey, even at half off.

Bonus tag


This tag uses the geisha tube from Farrah's Creations. I love the little pandas, but wasn't really sure how to work them into the tags. The alpha on this tag is courtesy of Free Digital Scrapbooking, in case you didn't know yet.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Land of the Rising Sun

There has been, of late, a number of kits released with a Chinese theme. Sadly you don't see many Geisha posers out there, or even Asian ones for that matter.

I had originally gotten the Goddess tubes from KairinaKat Kreations to scrap out using the "Through Sugars Eyes" kit from Scraps by Jessica, but I've since used them for just about everything else. I turned to them for this project.

They are not Geisha and not even really oriental but hey...she's a Goddess, she look however she wants, right?

Asian Goddess

I am using "Shades of the Orient" scrap kit from Designs by Ali, which is full of lush colors and is just beautiful. It comes with it's own alpha, although I was thinking how nice it would be if I had Chinese characters and could add the names written in Chinese.

Dream on, I know.

She's thrown in elements from all over - I found a vase and a dragon fan on Poser Realm, but the real gem here is the vibrant colors and textures.

Asian Goddess

This is a close up of the dragon fan in question. The colors for today are gold and red, in case your interested, as that seems to be the underlying theme through most of the kits I have.

The kit does contain oriental symbols in both Red and Gold, one for each of the 12 houses of the Chinese Zodiac.

Asian Goddess

Since there were a number of sales this weekend, I picked up quite a few of the oriental themed kits. I think perhaps - probably not in February but maybe some time in March, I'm going to do an oriental themed T-13.

February's pretty much booked as we have Puppy Love, then Valentine's Day, followed by President's Day and then Mardi Gras, sooo...

For what it's worth, Chinese New Year is Monday, January 26th, and we are entering the year 4707 on the Chinese calendar, the Year of the Ox.

And maybe one of these days I will scrap out the Goddess posers using the "Through Sugar's Eyes" kit.

I can has Eastern Bunny?

Easter Bunny

Way too early for Easter, but the "Little Bo Peep" kit was just such a departure from Kristin's norm, that I felt the need to do something with it, if only just for the diversion. Although I do have some Easter stuff on my system already from last year.

The bunny is part of the Cuddles Pack from Perfect Posers, you can find both at Aussie Scraps. I seem to think I had a Easter Egg type mask but I couldn't find it. Must have been dreaming.

Cherry Fairy and an award!

w00t! I have been given my very first PSP related award, the greatly coveted Leaves of Friendship award from Ms. Ginger at Ginger's House, another fine place for word art. She's also a fellow Floridian, so she shares my pain when the temps dip below 70!

Leaves of Friendship Award

So, I get to pass this honor on! Therefore I'd like to give it to:

Shelly of KairinaKat Kreations, who provides much of the tremendous poser art I've been using on my tags;

Auntie Evie, my friend from Down Under - or at least one of them - check out her blog The Squinty Owl;

Gail, from Aussie Scraps, another cyberpal who's living somewhere over the rainbow;

Bonnie, a.k.a. The Maltese Scrapper, a Florida Cracker now living in Michigan, who's probably got this award more times than anyone else on the internet (she is much loved);

And Patty, another friend in Michigan, who does some wonderful quilt work over at The Quilted Squirrel.

Little Danielle has been sick again, some sort of rash, and of course, my friend, Rowena, her mom caught it. So she was home from work today and amusing Danielle by showing her all the things I'd been doing on the computer (except for like the naked lady stuff, LOL!) and evidently Danielle was on a "why" kick, which was driving Rowena nuts.

It's a testing thing, you know - they're trying to test how far you'll tolerate annoyance.

Despite having not posted these, I'd e-mailed them to her, so they got "Whyed" a lot. The Cherry Fairy is (c) by Lacy Clagg, and the scraps are from the Bluedream Designs' "Cherry IceCream" taggers kit, a retired PTU kit that you can pick up for free at Digital Chaos.

Cherry Fairy

The frame in this piece is from a "Freebie Frame Pack" by Chaos Priestess, but I've looked and don't see it available on DC. It might have been a blog freebie. The mask is from Wee Scots Lass as are all the masks used in the tags in this post. The Pink Valentine alpha is courtesy of Delicious Scraps, and yes, I'm sure the cherry pie is delicious as well.

There are several frames in the kit, they just weren't really what I wanted.

Cherry Fairy

The template for the frame in this one was from one of the retired grab bags from Creationz by Jo. The Beautiful Heart Alpha is by Southern Scrapz. It matches a kit she has by the same name, but it also matches several other kits that I have. This is one of the alphas I picked up the other night at US4T.

I was honestly contemplating picked up some clip art to throw in on these tags as well, but finally managed to resist going that route. Shelly of KairinaKat Kreations put out a new clip art based kit called "My Just Desserts", and while Shelly does some fabulous poser art, I can't help but think the little Cherry Fairy would go well with that kit too.

Cherry Fairy

This is one of the frames that comes in the kit. I love the ribbon wraps Bluey has in the kit. The word art was a Val-day freebie that I got off Digifree and didn't come with a designers name. I suppose I could go back and try to figure out who did it, just to be nice.

Friday, January 23, 2009

T-13: I has a Dream (Part II)

We had some great responses from felines around the interent on their dreams. Be sure to stop by Diamond's Blog to see the full presentation and to read all the comments.

"Cinnamon & Sugar" is a "new" kit from Farrah's Creations that I picked up while she was having a $1.00 sale at Farrah's Designer Scraps. It comes with it's own alpha, and the next three tags all take advantage of that.

Miss Peach

Cornish Rex Cat

Miss Peach is one of the geritatrics of the Cat Blogosphere, and the colors in this kit go just wonderfully with her coat. I love the little scrap bears in the kit, but it not want to overuse them on the tags. Besides...

Maggie McKitten Cat

Tabby Cat

The kit has a bit of a fairy tale feel to it, and they weren't always appropriate. This is another kit I want to do some non-kitty cat tags with as I think it has a lot of potential for fairy tags.

The full-sized verson would be great for scrappin' out your little ones.


House Panther

I used a blog freebie frame for this tag. I later found matching frame for the tag in one of her cluster frame packs. You can see it on the Chairman Mao tag below.

"Through My Window" is another kit with a fairy tale sort of feel to it, but it is more of a woodsy, homey feel than the sort of airy, fantasy taste in "Cinnamon & Sugar".

I've played with this kit before, and I like it, but I feel like I was "reaching" for the tags. Maybe the kittens in question were just being uncooperative?


House Panther

I started out cutting out part of the background, and then ended up removing all of the background. Pepi was then dark on a dark background so I had to put in a separate lighter background to make him stand out. But you know...the coke bottle just wasn't working!

This kit does not have it's own alpha, so I used the Brushed Metal alpha from NettieB, as it matched the metal heart element in the kit.

Chairman Mao

Siamese Snowshoe Cat

I love this picture of Moa, but I couldn't find a way to use it until I went with the frame. The frame is part of Farrah's "Cluster Frames Set 2" package. The butterfly came from her "Realistic Flowers and Butterflies" CU element pack, and the Hummingbird is from Calypso Designs. So basically only the background elements are from the TMW kit.

The "Baby it's cold outside" alpha is courtesy of Designs by Karyn. I wanted something kit of "blingy" to go with the frame elements.


House Panther,Grr

Rowena wanted to know if Grr's eyes were always that big, but I think her eyes are part of what makes her so appealing. The frame was from one of Farrah's CU Grab Bags, the alpha is from Free Digital Scrapbooking and the screws that are holding the name plate on are courtesy of the Scrappin' Cop.

I love the bark background. That's one of my favorite papers, just at the moment.

Miss Diamond

House Panther,Miss Diamond

As the 13th kitteh in this week's T-13, Diamond got a kit all to herself! This is the new "Winter Bliss" kit from Farrah's Creations, which comes in both a full and tagger sized version and includes it's own alpha in three different color variations. (I used the "teal" alpha as I like the color.)

There wasn't a round frame, which is what I wanted, so I used the leaves included in the kit to "make my own" so to speak. It's only a half frame, as I wanted you to be able to see at least a part the picture!

The owl is simply adorable and I HAD to include it. The spikey background is a mask, BTW, courtesy of Wee Scots Lass. The paper does not come like that.

Farrah has a Quick Page Freebie on her blog done with the Winter Bliss kit, as well as two more, one made from her new "Sweet Love" (Valentine's Day) kit and the other from her "Masquarade" (Mardi Gras) themed kit. Be sure to stop by and snag them!

That concludes this week's T-13. Next week we'll be going Down Under in honor of Australian Day, which is actually on Monday, and then on February 5th I'll be doing an all Woofie T-13: Puppy Love.