
Sunday, March 16, 2008

Be Mine

Miss Diamond had a very busy Valentine's Day season as she put together not one, but three different valentines for he mancats in her life: Zed Monster, Snarf and Reptar.

Zedmonster Valentine

Zed Monster more or less won her paw as it were, but she'd very much liked his writings in Bad Kitty Cats Journal. We've not heard from him recently, but they were in the process of moving and these things take time. Kitty cat access to the Internets is not high on the list of human priorities.

Snarf Valentine

Snarf is Diamond's Pikadate, and has been ever since Pikapet introduced the concept of Pikadating just under a year ago. He's been on and off Pikapet sporadically, but then, so as Miss Diamond, given that the system usually has it's head up it's butt.

Reptar Valentine

I got a quick note back from Lynn on Reptar's valentine with a file of a cat purring attached. Anyway, at the baseball game today I ran into Bobby and after expressing condolences that his Yankees did not win the Yohan Santana Sweepstakes (and that I did not get Ian Kennedy) I got around to asking if he'd seen the Valentine's Day card.

He said yes and that she'd sent it to probably everyone in the whole world. So I guess she liked it. I'll have to get a few more pictures of Reppy and work up a scrapbook page for her.

These were done in a mixture of Photoshop and Photosuite. For what it's worth, Miss Diamond did not seem to mind the dress up. In all cases, clicking the image will enlarge it so you can see it better.

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