
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Beach patrol

Click on the image to supersize the cuteness

While I was over at Digital Freebies, I found this adorable kit called Little Safari, so I picked that one up as well. While I have not actual use for it, it will give me some digital friends for Miss Diamond, and it will appeal to the kids who read her page.

Maybe I can work it into the Beach Theme for Diamond's blog and make it surfin' Safari?

The sunset pictures are from Smathers Beach, Key West, Florida, and were taken in 1993. Smathers is a man made beach. The natural beach that was there was destroyed when they built the airport, so they imported white sand from the Bahamas and made a new beach. Much of that orignal sand has probably washed itself back to the Bahamas, so they have to bring in more every year.

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