
Friday, March 14, 2008

Grand Ol' Blackie

black cat,scrapbook
Click on image to enlarge.

Black is a 18-or-so-year-old formeral feral cat that lives in Hawaii with Pumpkin, Bebe and Tiger and a woofie named Benson. She's the only female feline in the household. Blackie is believed to have had two litters before she was caught and spayed. She's still very health for being such a senior citizen, and while she wants nothing to do with the boys, she still enjoys played with catnip toys and running sprints acrossed the house. She also loves catgrass and always gets first grazing rights when a new batch comes in.

Usually you can find the grand ol' dame asleep on top of "her" cage. When she's awake, she blogs at Pumpkin's World.

I used Shabby Princess' Vintage Floral Kit to create this piece for a very vintage cat. It was created to 8 x 10 standards and is suitable for printing.

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