
Saturday, March 22, 2008

Pretty Kitty

Pretty Kitty
Click on image to enlarge.

This was the first of the Easter pages...I have quite a bit of material to work with since Miss Diamond was most co-operative about having her photo taken. This is with her pink "kitten" which is a Beanie Baby named Curtsy.

I was not all that happy with this one, that used the Bunny Tracks kit (Maria LaFrance) from Digital Freebies, one of three Easter kits I purchased last night. This goes with their freebie for the week, with is a quick page layout using this kit.

The chocolate lettering is a freebie from Free Digital Scrapbooking. I wasn't all the happy with the way it turned out. While I like the frame, it's just not working here. The set however, does have some fun stuff in it (like those glitter splats!)

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