
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Scottish Princess

Scottish Princess
click on image to enlarge.

Diamond has fans, Misty Whispurrs and her Mom up in Michigan being chief among them. Misty's Meowmy, who owns The Quilted Squirrel, made Diamond her Kitty Quilt. Well, imagine my surprise when a Royal Stewart tartan showed up in the mail yesterday. Both Diamond and I were extremely touched by their generosity.

Rather unfortunately, she doesn't have the shoulders to wear it as a plaid, so we sort of compromised. She still looked darling in it. She also broke her feathered wand while we were doing the photos, so I will have to get a new one the next time I go to Petsupermarket. (This will not delay the planned Spring Fling shoot tonight, I'll just use another wand.)

I used Shabby Princess' Promise kit which is a freebie. This was sized to 8 x 10. I noticed some of the others were running a wee be long and cutting a little off on each size.

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