
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Take me out to the ball game

black cat,Diamond,baseball
Click on image to enlarge.

Miss Diamond has decided she's a Yankees' fan because the Black and White matches her furs. Although truth be told, she likes hockey better than baseball because more things move around on the TV screen during hockey games.

This used RetroDiva's Ema and Edie co-ordinated mini-kits from Digital Scrapbooking Freebies. I love the colors in this set and while it DID come with it's own lettering, I used the Aged Embossed set from Digital Scrapbooking Freebies because I wanted something bolder.

I had been over to RetroDiva's storefront and have been drooling over their Boho collection. They do some very nice work on their sets.

Oh, yeah, I know the kit has nothing what so ever to do with baseball. I just like playing with the colors.

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