
Saturday, March 15, 2008


click on image to enlarge

Thompson, Diego and Theo all live with Dave, a.k.a. D-Man in Minnesota. Thompson's designated birthday is September 7. His a tri-pod, having lost a front leg in an accident that nearly cost him his life, but that doesn't stop him from keeping up with the rest of the boys. He is, however, a little more cautious than Theo or Diego. Nor does missing a leg stop him from being unimaginably adorable.

He is the worrier in the bunch, and is in charge of worrying that the food bowls get filled on time.

Thompson came into Dave's life pre-named - Thompson was named for the boyfriend of the girl that fostered him. After he lost his leg, he was sometimes called Tumbles as he learned to walk again.

You can find out more about Dave and his three boys at Cat's Eye but beware! They started blogging in 2006 and there is a lot of material to get through.

Dave won the Diamond's "name the Tabby" contest, coming up with the name Pooka for her new fluffyhead zebra. I asked him who he wanted scrapbooked and he wanted Thompson done. I intend to do all three boys and will probably go back and do several pieces on them as they are all beautiful cats and there is a wealth of material available on them.

I used DC Design's Strong Shoes add on for this, although the lettering is from the Ema Kit. The add on was a freebie, but I liked it so much I actually went back and bought the whole package. You can find it at Digital Freebies which has some very nice collections in their Boutique.

The piece is suitable for printing in an 8 x 10 format.

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