
Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Vintage Pair

Mickey and Miss Peach
Click on image to enlarge.

Hockey and Miss Peach are a vintage pair of cats - Mickey is 14 years old while Miss Peach is the older woman at 16 - and one of the foremost couples on Cat Blogosphere. Mickey can be found at Mickey's Musings, while Miss Peach blogs at Miss Peach's Meowz.

Since Mickey lives in Canada (Nova Scotia), and Miss Peach lives in Washington (the state) so the only way to get them together is via the magic of the internet.

This uses mainly Shabby Princess' Vintage Florals kit although I added in some flowers from their Harvest Spice kit. The ribbon and bow in the corner came from Digital Freebies' Family Man Kit.

I feel this needs "something" - either lettering (but what to say?) - or a love poem, but something. Then again, maybe the cats themselves say everything that needs to be said?

1 comment:

  1. Diamond,Thank you so much!!! That is a beautiful picture!!!!
    Purrs Mickey
