
Sunday, April 6, 2008

Caution: Contains Peanuts

Caution: Contains Peanuts
Click on image to bigify

Peanut is Misty's pup, although she's quite grown up now. Much like her mom, she's quite the sweetheart. Peanuts and chocolate just sort of go together, don't they?

She's currently six years old, a Rotty/American Pit Bull Terrier mix. She loves chasing geese in the park, her bones, her tennis balls, socks, shoes or anything else left on the floor.

She is also known as Peanut the Poop Monster, I'm sure you can figure out why.

I used Raspberry Road Designs' Mocha Love kit which is a freebie. It was done as a favor for a friend who wanted the Pink and chocolate colors only in the kit. My initial feeling was what would I use it for, but it seems that it has some potential after all.

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