
Friday, April 18, 2008

Dory Doo

black cat
Click on image to englarge

Dora the Explorer - or DoryDoo - is a 3-year-old Domestic short hair. She was brought to the Ballicus Cats when she was an 8-week-old kitten and has lived with them all her life.

She's a very smart kitty, and can open just about anything. If she just had opposable thumbs, there'd be no holding her back. She's a super jumper and practices the art of Air Dancing, a very athletic undertaking for any cat.

She loves chasing Mao and cuddling with Brainball, opening things, and figuring out things.

While she can be very affectionate, she needs more space than the other cats and more time to herself. She often seems to be deep in thought, as though she's contemplating the meaning of the universe, and perhaps she is.

Online, you can find Dora at The Ballicus Blog, along with Chairman Mao, Brainball, and sometimes Marilyn MonREOW, who has her own blog.

I used Retrodiva's Bohemian Collage kit on this layout, mainly because red and black just sort of go together.

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