
Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Petronious The Arbiter

Petronious the Arbiter
Click on image to enlarge it.

Petey is 19 pounds of fun and fur, over at Petronious the Arbiter. He's one of our blue variant panthers and list his occupation as an Outspoke Housecat. He likes most of the standard feline things: eating, sleeping, bird watching, and the chasing of feathered things.

A resident of Southwest Oklahoma, he lives with four other cats, four dogs, 4 humans a few fishes, which he obviously has not yet seen fit to eat. You really should rememdy that situation Petey.

This used Jennifer Schmitt's Family Man kit from Digital Freebies, and is the complementing piece to Happy-Go-Lucky. The lettering is from Shabby Princess' Dinner Party Kit.

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