
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tuxie Dinner Party

Well, new release Tuesday has been pretty lame so far, expect for RetroDiva's Fresh Start kit. Lots of quick pages and while I know some people really like the Brag Book/Quick Page thing, I'm not a big fan of them.

That being said, I'd taken some pictures of Diamond in an attempt to finish off a role of film after a ball game and she came out looking very Tuxedo-ish with the white collar on and the while spot on her belly. So I did up this page using Shabby Princess' Dinner Party Kit for her as her Tuxie Tuesday blog entry:

Click on image to enlarge.

But then I had the pitcures of Theo from the Cat's Eye blog, sitting on the my hard drive, so I made a matching piece for Theo:

Click on image to enlarge.

So this gave me an idea. I haven't really done anything with Black Cat Pub, how about a Tuxie Dinner Party, all using basically the same kit with the same 2-1 layout, only changing up the elements a bit.

The next piece I did was for Samantha Black. She blogs at Life from a Cat's Persepective and I think the New Tuxedo Gang Hideout is her gig as well.

Click on image to enlarge.

And yes, I noticed I have Samantha spelled wrong, I'll have to fix that.

So then I started going down the list at the Tuxi Gang hide out and decided this might be harder than I originally thought. Sophie's photos are protected, so I can't do a piece on her, and some the other cats are hard to find suitable picks for the larger cut out on the bottom.

The next two I worked on were Abby and Miss Boo from Mnax Mnews:

Click on image to enlarge.

Click on image to enlarge.

I still like the idea - and I really only need three pictures per cat, but my goodness...what a PIA, trying to find workable pics.

It's just going to take longer than I thought to put it together.

The Dinner Party kit is a freebie and you can grab one for yourself HERE.

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