
Monday, June 2, 2008

Rockin' Blue Jay Blues

With Dunedin coming into town for a 3-game homestand, I wanted to get the stuff together for autographs so that was one of my priorities.

Then I find out everyone has already gone up to New Hampshire.

I mean, Travis Snider I already knew about:

Dunedin Blue Jays

But Brett Cecil? He was just here!

Dunedin Blue Jays

Dunedin Blue Jays

...and I rather liked him too! Grrr...

And then I find out Julio Pinto is outta here as well...and he's a reliever for crying out loud!

Dunedin Blue Jays

So that leaves Gustavo Chachin...

Dunedin Blue Jays

and Adrian Martin.

Dunedin Blue Jays

I just check the roster and I don't think that either Martin or Chacin are pitching during this homestand, so they should be very easy to get. I figure I'll go sit with Manny for a bit, then tell him I'm going to smooze with the Jays pitchers and go do it...right under his nose!

I even have shots of Martin from last year to smooze him with. LOL.

Two other guys that I knew were gone, but I did layouts for anyway are Anthony Hatch:

Dunedin Blue Jays

and Kyle Phillips.

Dunedin Blue Jays

I would have like Hatch's sig. Ah well.

All these layouts were done using the Blue Rocker kit from Krissy's Scraps except for the background paper on the Martin layout, which came from the Blues Pack.

As for the rest of the Jays, I'll have to get them on a baseball.

On a side note, it appears that my camera has taken a turn for the worse. I THOUGHT I might have fixed it, but's still not working right. I'll have to pack it up and send it out for repair.

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