
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

It was a dark and stormy night...

More Halloween fun...I love this stuff, I really do...

Miss Diamond

She was sitting around "menacing" T.C. Her presence in the room is enough to menace T.C., even when she's not paying attention to him. So I snapped a picture. She looks just spooktacular, don't you think?

I used the Spookable kit from Honored scraps on this one. Cute little kit, but not as much fun as I was hoping it would be.

House Panther

Stygia is one of the new house panthers on the scene. He's been doing Stygian Saturdays. You can find him at T'Abby Normal and Stygian Panther.

I used Fright Night from Creations by Jo. She's got a few dark kits, but she'd borderline goth at best. Nothing really hard core. This is a cute little kit that has possibilities, and is a little bit more spookier than Spookable.

Moe from Team Tabby

Not all Halloween cats need to be black. A pumpkin tabby works just as well. This is Moe from Team Tabby who seems to be a VERY unthreatening cat.

I used Chaos Priestess Night of the Dead kit, which I just realized, as I was working on this piece, has a harvest moon element in it. Now I'll have to do something with that. And I think I know just the thing...

It actually IS a dark and stormy night out tonight and is raining down cats and dogs to go with the lightning and thunder, so I'm guessing I should get off the computer now. All these kits can be found at Digital Chaos. There's a blinkie on the right side of the page for the store. Use it, and have fun!

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