
Monday, September 29, 2008

More Miss Diamond

This is a 5 x 7 "tag" using Yarrow's Gothique Rouge kit. I hate it when the pictures looks faded out like that. I might be able to fix it though in PS, I'll have to look into that this evening. I also noticed I need to fix the tag for Tillie took as the paper I though was black is actually purple. I have a hard time seeing dark colors on my screen at home.

Miss Diamond,5 x 7

I had done a tag for her with the Gothique Violet kit previously and didn't like it. This was turned out much better despite the faded cat. The button is from the aforementioned Gothique Rouge kit.

Miss Diamond,Tag

She doesn't look too faded out in this 5 x 7 which uses the Autumn Breeze kit from Creations by Jo.

Miss Diamond

I wanted to do something for fall, couldn't come up with anything to write, and so just turned it in a tag instead.

The Autumn Alpha was a freebie, and it's actually pretty nice, with an upper and lower case. I should probably realign the letters better though. Lots of fix it work for tonight...

Miss Diamond

I turned the Floral Freebie tag into a 5 x 7 for my family as I knew they'd like it. They'll like the fall one (above) as well. You get more room side to side, but it cramps everything top to bottom. (This was done with Floral Forest Fantasy by Tizzy's Angel.

Miss Diamond,Howl-N-Scream

The 5 x 7 version of the Spidercat tag, using the Gothik Vampyre kit, also from Tizzy's Angel, and the Bone Alpha from Free Digital Scrapbooking. This is going to be my Halloween card for the year, since I'm rather pleased with it.

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