
Thursday, October 2, 2008

A bit of Goth

Bluey from Bluedream Designs says she does not do Goth well. She put a freebie called Gothic Confusion, and had I thought about this ahead of time, I could have done purple rain! As it is, I'll settle for blue, and do a bit of a thank you tag for making the kit.


Really, it's not that bad!

Going back to Yarrow's Gothic Rouge kit, I put this together, possible for myspace. Possibly not. It did rather turn out the way I envisioned however.


This is one the Classic Fae from LK Designs, and I used Imperfoxtion's Electrify kit. I like the colors in the kit, but I can never really get the elements to do what I want. Oh well. I was just playing around anyway.


I thought I was feeling better, and suddenly...I'm not. Ick. Back to bed.

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