
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dark Days

As I mentioned in my previous post, when I want goth...real goth, I inevitably head back to Yarrow, Chaos Priestess and Tizzy's Angel.



This first piece though uses Soxsational Scraps Poisoned tagkit, with the little Dead Headz. I actually bought the Goth Tube from Incognito and have yet to use the posers from it. I like the G.I.Babe poser better, or the ones from Sophisticated Imaging.

G.I. Babe is, of course, (c) 2008 by Perfect Posers and you can find her stuff at She does not, as near as I can tell, have a blog.

BTW, while you're over at, check out the Joe Cool Bears from Scraps with Attitude. Me thinks I will need to pick those up come payday.



LK Designs (Sophisticated Imaging) has a Good Vs. Evil set. Yarrow has a kit called Opposites Attract. It should be match made in heaven, but I was not interested in Good or Light or Heaven. So we have the Evil part of LK's set, and the Dark half of Yarrow's kit, and my own little piece of Hell.

The Silver Gem Frames are also by Yarrow, and are available as a stand alone from Digital Chaos.

On a side note, I bought the full sized version of the kit and my computer was developing a bad case of Alheimer's trying to process this tag. Maybe I should just stick to tagger sized stuff?

Violet Babe


I like Yarrow's Gothique Violet Add-On so much I bought the whole kit and of course love that too. I went with the G.I. Babe poser again, (c) 2008 by Perfect Posers.

And I really wanted use that dagger in a tag...I really like that dagger.

The candles and the rain are from Bluedream Design's Gothic Confusion freebie, although I suspect she got the templates for them from Yarrow and just recolored them, as I've seen that candle in red in one of Yarrow's kits, long before Bluey got it.

I do like the way that turned out. Maybe I'll use it next month as my default picture on Myspace.

Victorian Goth


I think I like Romance novels because I love the idea of strong male character who's going to come in and take care of all my problems. Hah.

That's why all romance novels are works of fiction.

And of course I like Regency or Victorian romance much better than modern day, but that's just me.

Anyway...somewhere in my internet travels I happened upon a link to LC Tube Store. It's Lacy Clagg's store but she also has Sharon Becker in as a artist. She has some interesting tubes I need to consider purchasing, but for the moment, they also have some interesting freebies.

Victoria was her first attempt at a 3D poser, and I'd say she did alright. You might want to note that Lacy's freebies are all in PSP format. The AD posers the Victoria freebie are in .png.

For the scraps I used Bluey's Gothic Confusion Freebie which is a fairly decent little Goth kit, despite what she thinks.

So...that was all just a little bit of soul soothing Goth.

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