
Saturday, October 25, 2008

A little Christmas

In case you ever wondered by Santa spends 364 days a year at the North Pole...

Santa's Little Helper


The elf is (c) 2008 by Incognito Scrapz from her Fairy Pack 2 collection. The scraps are by Candy's Treats from her really nice O Christmas Tree scrap kit.

She seemed to think there is a problem with it, but I've had no issues what so ever.

Mrs. Claus


I was not as impressed with her I Love Snow kit, which...I's lacking. I used some elements such as the tree and the snow overlay from the O Christmas Tree Kit, while extra snowflakes were provided by Baby Cake Scraps.

This is one of the Mrs. Claus posers from Perfect Posers. You get four tubes in the kit for $6.00, putting it on the same levels as some of the tubes from CILM or My PSP Tubes.

Snow Kitten


Perfect Posers also did 2 sets of Christmas Kitten posers - same girl and outfit in both, just different poses.

The Penguin and Quilted Cat are (c) 2008 by Brandi's Creations, and the scraps are from Soxsational Scraps' Winterland taggers kit.

County Holiday Kitten


I know some people who wouldn't mind finding this kitten under their tree either. Again, she is (c) 2008 by Perfect Posers and you can buy her and Mrs. Claus from

I used A County Christmas taggers kit by Soxsational Scraps for the background scraps and elements.

Speaking of Chrismas kittens, Miss Diamond is laying on her back over here with her feet in the air looking just as adorable as can be, but my camera is in the other room. Drat. And if I get up to go and get it, she'll move.

Just like I missed that picture of Tristan trying to fit himself into a box that was 3 times too small for him.

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