
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Playing with Posers

This was more for play then for any real purpose, and because I couldn't sleep again last night.

Aussie Scraps has a new poser artist that goes by the name of Perfect Poser. These first two pieces feature posers from the GI Babe Collection.

If there was ever a kit tailor made for Grr, it's the Toxic kit. Although I could probably do some layouts for Miss Diamond using it as well.

The kit from Soxsational Scraps and I just love it!


Especially the little snookums and her cohorts! This will be a fun kit to play with in any case, and probably would work for Halloween as well.

The Goth Child kit from Creations by Jo was purchased with Miss Diamond in mind and will this will likely work for a blog layout as well. I love all the really bright colors. (Now I have to get Miss D. dressed up in her new vampyr costume and take some pictures.)


Not the greatest little tag, composition wise in the world, but I get weird when I can't sleep.

LK Designs/Sophisticated Scraps put out a new Maleness line so we could have some "hot looking" guys for our tags. It's a nice concept and I have visions of pirates and swashbucklers, and various heroes from the silly romance novels I read.

My first experiment however, didn't work out so well.


I used the Cowboy Fun kit from Scrappy Lovers. Maybe I'll just stick to scrapping Tristan with it. ::sigh::

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