
Thursday, October 30, 2008

T-13 Masquarade (Part II)

The Masquarade was held at Castle Diamond and all who participated felt it was REALLY hard!

To disguise the cats and dogs, I ran then though Photoshop, altering in the coat colors in many cases and then adding a filter effect.

For Scraps, Scrappy Redhead has four "Not Really Halloween" kits: From Dusk to Dawn, Alabaster Daze, Autumn Nights and Nocturnal. All of Redhead's kits can be found at Scrap Happiness.

I used the masks from Scrappy Lover's Showtime kit except as noted below.

6. Dakota from The Chronicle of Woos.

I think this who OP Pack mean when they say "Our Girl" but it was sort of let slip she'd be part of this week's T-13. Titus was good guess for this one though, but it wrong guess.



The scraps were from the From Dusk Till Dawn kit, expect for the Bat, which is (c) 2008 by Brandi's Creations and the Mask, which is (c) 2008 from Designs from Helly and is part of her Gypsy kit.

I had to edit the mask in Photo Shop to fit her face, as Dakota is not looking directly at the camera.

The Alpha is the Aged Embossed Alpha from Free Digital Scrapbooking.

7. Grete is also from Cory Cat Talks blog.

I kept singing "Her name was Lola, she was a showdog..." while I was dressing Grete up. LoL!



I used the neon edge filter to turn her black. She's a bit of an oddity, as all the scraps came from Scrappy Lover's Showtime kit. The Diamond Alpha is by JoBeth from JW Scraps.

8. Georgia is of course Mickey the Black Cat's beautiful little sisfur.



I used the Alabaster Daze kit on Miss Georgia, played with her coat color a bit, and then added the poster edge filter to her. she's still pretty recognizable as a torti though, the question is, which one?

The mask is (c) 2008 by Tracy King. The Vineyard Cardboard Alpha is from Carjazi Scraps.

9. Scout is from Little Cat Feet was out scouting the lady cats!



I used the find edges filter to get this effect after he'd been turned blue.

The background paper I think is from the "From Dusk Till Dawn" kit, the moon is from the "Dancin' in the Dark" mini-kit and the frame and the tarantula are from the Nocturnal kit. The Black Gold alpha is from Bizee Digi-Art.

10. Grayson knows it's It's all about meow.



I'd used Gandalf for Blue Wednesday in House Panthers because I had bigger first to fry with Grayson. The spider and the web are from Alabaster Daze, as is the candle, I think. The background paper is from Nocturnal and the frame is from Scrappy Redhead's Midnight Acquantiance 2 kit.

Mask (c) 2008 by Tracy King. As with Dakota above, the Alpha is from Free Digital Scrapbooking.

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