
Saturday, October 4, 2008

Three More Tags

The tubes in these tags are all (c) by Brandi Amunrud/Brandi's Creations.


She called this one Spider Elf and I really had no spiders for the tag. I used Bluedream Designs Gothic Confusion kit for the tag. Bluey does goth better than she thinks she does, and this has been a fun little kit to play with. Spiders would have been nice though...with webs hanging all over the place...


This one was the red elf tube. I think Elves were more into Natural Magic then Wiccan/Pagan Magic, but I rather like this kit, which is the Magikal Worker kit by Choas Priestess. It's kind of a "By the light of the magic moon" bit. The unicorn was from the Grafix4all set that was a freebie not too long ago.


This was one of her Glam Girls. The hair on these is intersting to say the least. I used Chaos Priestess' Rumors scrapkit for this one, largely because it's a pretty kit and I like the colors. However....there were NO butterflies, (horror of horrors) so I appropriated a couple from her Butterfly Parallax kit.

That being said, I really feel the need to do some actual scrapping tomorrow, so maybe I'll work on the Disney pictures.

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