
Monday, November 3, 2008

Above and Below

Diane at Candy's Treats had done a freebie kit called Fire back in April. She said Elemental and Spiritual weren't really her thing, but that kit, the Temptress freebie and Grey Delight freebie from Chaos Priestess came to be a mainstay of mine during baseball season.

Between Smitty and the Reds, plus the En Fuego layout I worked up, that kit proved itself ten times useful.

However, everytime I "fired it up" so to speak, the old Cult tune, Fire Woman, kept playing in my head. So here we go...

Fire Woman

Rock,Angels & Devils

The Hayden poser is from Untamed Angel and is one of her blog freebies. The ribbon is from the FTU Dial 1-800-U-Wish taggers kit from Candy's Treats which is largely composted of ribbons.

The Fall Alpha is from TempusFugit. I seem to recall getting a "smoke" font, but for the life of me, couldn't find it on the computer.

Fallen Angel

Angels & Devils

The Angel poser is also (c)2008 by Untamed Angel and was another blog freebie (with a CU license). For scaps I used her Heaven & Hell taggers kit which I got from Heavenly Taggerz when I bought the Joe Cool bears.

The Glitter brackets are from Designs by Helly and were also a blog freebie and available for commercial use.

The Silver Twilight Alpha is from Amber Gray Designs while the Halloween Alpha was a blog train freebie from Crazy Diamond.

Heaven & Hell

Angels & Devils,Poser

The same deal on the poser and the alphas as in the previous tag, but in this case I used the Rock Devil kit by Yarrow. T.J. called this the greatest scrap kit ever made based on the layouts I did during baseball season, and it definately is a fun one. That's the kit that got Manny started on the barbed wire.

The halo and the white bow are from UA's Heaven and Hell kit (which also calls all it's elements "element").


Angels & Devils,Poser

Back to the Hayden poser freebie from Untamed Angel and don't you just love the pink hair?

The little horns and the Golden Gates of Heaven are from UA's Heaven and Hell kit, everything else is from Yarrow's Opposites Attract kit (the light half), except for the belt, which is from her Denim and Daisies Add-on.

Digital Chaos as had much it way of new offerings, and Yarrow has most of her kits marked down, so I really should pick up the full version of that kit, as well as the full version of a couple of other add-ons I have. I should probably check what I've got for Candy's Treats and do the same thing on one of Taggers Scraps dollar day sales.

I suffered baseball burn out this last season, big time. Saturday was the first time in along while I felt the urge to go down to the park...but of course, everything is over now until Spring Training starts again.

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