
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Cowboy Baby

Today was a real nice. The weather warmed up and it was a lovely autumn day for Southwest Florida, making it a great day to be out enjoying the craft fair in the afternoon, and Bike Night this evening.

Both Diamond and Tristan enjoyed it too and since Diamond is no longer limping, I let her out to bask in the sun, which is one of her favorite things in life. (Second only to rolling in the dirt.)

As you probably remember, by initial attempt at a cowboy tag was a whopping failure. I don't think "Christain" was the right subject matter. Enter Cody (and his female counterpart Caitlin) both from LCTubeStore and an un-named western poser by Untamed Angel.

I haven't done anything with Caitlin yet, so...


Cowboy,Poser Tag

Cowboy,Poser Tag

Both Cody and Caitlin are (c) 2008 by Angelique Field and as with her free tubes, they come in .png format so they can be opened in any program.

The scraps - as in my previous failure - are provided by Scrappy Lover from her Cowboy Fun tagkit. We do have rodeo, you just have a drive out to Clewiston to get to it (except for the PBRA, which is held at Germain Arena).


Cowboy,Poser Tag

Cowboy,Poser Tag

In this case, the tagkit is Sassy Cowgirl, which I got from Taggers Scraps on their DSD sale.

The Western Poser is (c) 2008 by Untamed Angel and she is available at Heavenly Taggers.

The Horse in the first tag and the cowboy Parade in the second tage are all (c) 2008 by Brandi's Creations from her FTU Wanna Be a Cowboy. That kit has a few useful items that SL's kits could have used, like the rope frames, but I didn't want to combine kits. Maybe in later tags.

(Brandi lives in Montana. SL lives in Puerto Rico. I'm thinking Brandi might have a bit more understanding of the cowboy culture than SL.)

Angel's poser is a bit more risque then Angelique's Caitlin.

(The unfortunate side effect to this weekend's fun was the Helicopter fly over at 2 - er - 1 AM. Ah well, what can you do?)

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