
Monday, November 10, 2008


Perfect Poser has been really busy cranking out poser kits, one of the more interesting being the Devilicious poser kit.

No horns, no tail, but check out those boots! Woooo baby!


I used Untamed Angel's Heaven and Hell kit, supplemented with skulls and barbed wire from Yarrow's Rock Devil kit, and word art from Angie's Asylum.

Although I'm thinking I should try a pink emo layout, instead of a red hell layout...

Rock Devil

This layout used scraps from the Hard Rock Mama kit from Designs by Helly. The Devil poser was a freebie from Poser Realm. The Halloween Alpha was a freebie from Crazy Diamond.

I'm kind of at a loss what to do with these I don't feel either of these tags really worked. I guess I'll just keep playing around until I find something I like.


A few more things to play around with...

Rock on


I don't recall any Rockers dressed like this, but...okay. Kind of interesting, but again, I'm not sure it worked. Another idea to work on for a later time. Maybe I just need the right scrap kit.

In this case, I used Yarrow's Rock Devil. My monitor burned out on Saturday night so I hooked up the new one. You know, it's really nice to be able to see the pattern on all the papers that I used to think were black. Gives me a whole new world to explore!

Anyway, there were four "Rock On" posers in the pack.



Victoria came in pack of three and is another glamor poser that I might convert to angelic use. In this case, I let her be a bit of a Diva by using the Lil Drama Mama kit from Designs by Helly.

She came in a pack of four. Sticking wings on her might work better.

Also released was a Photo Shoot pack that I'm not sure I'm overwhelmed by, and Peacock pack and Mr. Cool pack that I'm distinctly underwhelmed by. Oh well, to each their own.

She's turning these out too fast I think and the quality is starting to suffer a wee bit.

As always, you can find Charly's work at

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