
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Magical & Fabulous Fae

"Fabulous Faes" by LK Designs/Sensational Scraps come in a pack of 8 for $3.00, which considering each different one is a piece of art in itself shows you how over inflated are the prices that Perfect Posers charge.

Each one is a "princess" of some sort, at least according to their file names, so, here we go...

Ice Princess


The layout uses the Snow Princess taggers kit from Cinnamon Scraps. I used a number of the scraps from the kit - flowers, bows, doodles - to decorate the tree. It was kind of fun, actually. This is not a new acquisition, it was one of the first winter kits I purchased this year and is still one of my favorites.

Aside from the Fae, the only thing that didn't come with the kit is the strings, holding up the snowflakes.

Sun Princess


"Tropical" is one of the new scrapkits I got from Cinnamon. I'm still in this "Let's buy summer kits" phase - in the winter, yes I know - but I figure I can use this with several of the posers I've got. And then...there are always the kitty cat tags.

This one is nice and bright and I love the fruits! There's some whimsical pieces in there as well, which I left out of this particular tag.

Doesn't it make you feel warmer just looking at it?

Berry Princess


Precious Love was a freebie from Cinnamon Scraps and I took advantage of all the red and pink blooms to put this piece together. Not really a "berry" kit, but the coloration worked well with the Fae.

The nice things about these Fae is she didn't force the copyright on them like the usually does with her work. And of course, I remembered to add it. He-he-he.

Lisa also put a freebie image pack called Magical. Evidently it was an excerise in trying to make her images look more "realistic".



This is a little lost Fae from the Magical set dancing in an Enchanted Forest courtesy of Kathy Goldstein's kit by the same name. I couldn't find the butterflies I was looking for - turned out that Lisa had created them as well and I'd put them in her directory instead of fall things, so I used one from Cupcake Sprinkles' "Fall Butterfly" freebie. The Alpha was a freebie from Vicki, a.k.a. "A Work in Progress".



Also from the Magical set. I used the Savannah kit from Designs by Helly for the scraps.

The kit was inspired by a trip to Savannah, Georgia, and every time I use it I think about Ed's Mom, who really loved it when she went there. But she nearly crippled herself going up and down -- the city is built on a terrace system - and was laid up for several months after they got back.

"You HAVE to go see it!" she keeps telling me. Yes, me, with my advanced arthritis and a swollen left leg. I can just see me trying to handle terraces in Savannah. LOL.

The Alpha came with the kit, which is really truly beautiful.

Siohban Crush


Uh-oh...what did I do with the tag with the owl in it? Shoot. I need to concentrate on uploading what I've finished. Ah well.

This is one of Lisa's designs from earlier in the year from her Classic Fae set. The scraps are from the Crush taggers kit from Designs by Helly. The star is from a CU Paper Stars pack that she did as well.

I truly love Helly's Designs, she does some fantastic work. She has some of her older sets over the Cotton Candy Kreations (formerly Berry Bliss). She does have a kit called Siobhan which is part of her Fae Taggers series.

The name "Siobhan" (pronouned shi-VAWN) is an Irish for of "Jehanne" which is derived from the Norman French "Jeanne".

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