
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Welcome to the Jungle

The main reason for purchasing the Jungle Fever kit from Soxsational Scraps was to do kitty tags, so here we go:

Tristan the Tiger

Tabby Cat,Sir Tristan,Domestic Cat,Jungle Love

The Alpha is the Wild Kingdom FTU Add-on from Raspberry Road Designs.

When the monitor died Saturday and I had to pull the computer apart, I put in the Read/Write CD drive. I did look at the old hard drive and considered trying to hook it in as a slave, but we had to do Carnival of the Cats on Sunday and I figured I was in for enough frustration as it was. I'd really to like to recover the Wild Kingdom kit that's on that old hard drive however.

Auntie Spooker on Safari

House Panther,Jungle Love,Blue Wednesday,Russian Blue

I gather the photo was from 2005 but what the heck. The Ocean Blue Alpha was a FTU Add-on from Designs by K. I don't have the Ocean Blue kit, but I do have a lot of odd Alpha add-ons from various kits.

This piece was done for Blue Wednesday on House Panthers and will run on Wednesday.

I need to do one of Grr as well, but I'm not sure I want to run it this week as all three blogs are doing "Jungle Love" posts on Wednesday.

Diamond of the Jungle

Miss Diamond,Fairies,Jungle Love,House Panther,Domestic Cat,Poser

The Fae poser is (c) 2008 by Incognito1967 from the Fairy Pack 2. I've been spending too much time with the Perfect Poser offerings and her last releases have not really been up to par, at least in my book. So I think I need to look some of the other alternatives. Incognito puts out some REALLy great stuff.

The Puffy Felt alpha is (c) 2008 by Misschifis and was a FTU download off Digi-free.

The Zebra is of course another varition of Pooka, Diamond's "tabby" floofyhead friend.

Jungle Fly

Fairies,Poser,Fantasy,Jungle Love

The Green Fly Poser was one of the better new ones released by Charly at Perfect Posers. She also captured my imagination a bit, so I've used her in a couple of pieces.

I probably should have used the panther and the tiger stickers to represent Diamond and Tris, but the lion just sort of fit in better.

I've got a few more tags planned out with this kit.

1 comment:

  1. I try so hard not to read your comments too much.
    The pictures are all so very beautiful and I just know if I start reading properly I will start getting into this as well!! hahah I have a ton of projects now already!! ARRggh.. but I sooo want to!!
