
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Angels

Brandi from Brandi's Creations had put out a "Christmas Gold" kit, which I forgot that I had, in part because I'd put it into the wrong directory. I've used bits and pieces of it in various layouts when I needed gold and kept meaning to do some tags with the posers. we go:

Angels & Devils,Doll,Happy Holidays,Holiday Glitter,Kids Tags

The scraps are from the "Ice Warm" kit by Yarrow, except for the Glitter Brackets, which are courtesy of Designs by Helly. The Scripted Jewel alpha is by Bizee Digi-Art.

The little angel, which reminds me a great deal of the "Precious Moments" figurines, is (c) by Brandi's Creations, which goes for all the posers in the tags in this post. I'm gonna be really disappointed if I ever find out that angels are really cute little things like this one.

Angels & Devils,Doll,Holiday Glitter,Happy Holidays,Kids Tags

Again, I'm using the "Ice Warm" taggers kit but I grabbed some paper from Yarrow's "Xmas Freebie", which has gold in it (and green). These are bits that never made it to any of her Holiday themed kits.

I'm making myself use PSPx, as it's the only way I'm going to learn it, and saving tags as transparent .png is one of reasons for working in PSP. When I try it in Photoshop, even when I click the save transparency box, I seem to loose that, and I don't know why.

This particular piece was also an experiment with filters as I used the "erode" filter on the gold paper, and then the "mosaic glass" to get the effect. I thought it turned out kind of interesting looking.

The gold alpha is from Andjelina's Designs.

Ahhh Scraps has a very interesting little Naughty or Nice freebie, except I can't seem to get a link for it? Perhaps I wasn't nice enough for the coal, or naughty enough for the gifts?

Angels & Devils,Doll,Happy Holidays,Holiday Glitter,Kids Tags

Angel number three uses the same scraps as per the above source, but I was doing nothing fancy here. The "White Christmas" Alpha is by Delicious Scraps.

Angels & Devils,Plushies,Teddy Bear,Snowman,Holiday Glitter,Happy Holidays,Peace Globe,Kids Tags

The little angel bear is also part of the "Christmas Gold" kit. I stuck with Yarrow for the scraps, going with her "Xmas Night" kit although the star is from the "Ice Warm" taggers kit. The silver sequin spill I borrowed from the "O Christmas Tree" taggers kit by Candy's Treats, while the "Peace" word art is courtesy of Bekah E.

Angels & Devils,Plushies,Teddy Bear,Christmas,Happy Holidays,Holiday Glitter,Kids Tags

Third time charm? I re-did this little tag three times before I was finally happy with it. It also uses the "Xmas Night" taggers kit by Yarrow. The Lolly is courtesy of Candy's Treats - it's part of a freebie set she put out - while the Wire Word Art is from Bekah E.

Angels & Devils,Plushies,Teddy Bear,Christmas,Happy Holidays,Holiday Glitter,Kids Tags

This time the lolly came with the kit - which is the "Grungy Xmas" taggers kit from Yarrow. The bling on the bottom is from the Ice Warm kit.

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