
Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas Spice

Lacy Clagg has her holiday tubes on sale and to be honest, I think I've got most of the ones I want. I went over to LCTS mainly to comparatively price the Sadie based products, and ended up purchasing her Apple Spice and Xmas Sprite packages, neither of which have anything to do with Sadie.

So the posers in the first four tags in this post are all (c) by Lacy Clagg and are available (and currently on sale) at the Lacy Clagg tube store.

Mistletoe Kisses

Christmas,Happy Holidays,Romance,Bonitas

Apple Spice is scrapped out by the "Spirit of Christmas" (taggers) kit from Creations by Jo. I love this kit, it's just so pretty and festive. The only thing I don't like is the included diamond alpha, and so I went with Andgelina's Winter Alpha from Ahhh Scrap.

Interestingly enough, I just noticed that the set doesn't have a "J" in it, or if it did, I deleted it somehow. I'll have to check the back up file. I suspect flipping the "I" around would serve as a "J", however, so it's really no big deal.

I'd done this piece because I had some word art I wanted to use with it, but in the end the word art wasn't working, so I ended up not using it.

Holiday Sprite

Happy Holidays,Christmas,Sprites & Imps

I bought Yarrow's "Xmas Night" kit right after it came out, and then sort of forgot I had it, given all the other holiday kits I got over the Black Friday Weekend sale-a-thon. So I went back and played with it for a couple of tags, and it's really a nice little taggers kit.

The Glitter Doodles were part of Creative Scraps Advent freebies and are from Creations by Jo, If you missed them as a freebie, they are available at Creative Scraps for a buck.

The holiday word art is from Cupcake Sprinkles by Caitlin.

My man Santa

Happy Holidays,Santa,Christmas,Sprites & Imps

Another piece were the word art I was wanted to use didn't end up working. I loved the Santa broach that was part of the freebie add-on to "Xmas Nights" and which you can get at Digital Chaos.

In the end I used a rather generic saying from MSMD (Monkey See, Monkey Do Designs).

Who's your Santa?

Christmas,Santa,Bonitas,Happy Holidays,Holiday Glitter

Apple Spice again, this time using the "Dear Santa" kit from Designs by Helly. The alpha included in the kit did not have an apostrophe or a question mark, so I borrowed them from Lady Grundlefunk's "Flakey" alpha and hope it doesn't look too horrid. I probably should have mixed lettering, just to make it look more legit, but...

The little cardboard tag is another one of Helly's really useful blog freebies.

Krafty Diamond

Christmas,House Panther,Domestic Cat,Miss Diamond

I was going to use this tomorrow for her blog post, but it's the same pose we used today, so I think I will work something else up, using one of the front shots instead. You see more of the white on her that way and it IS Tuxi Tuesday. Diamond is (one of) my favorite of all posers -- when she feels like posing, that is.

The scraps are from Urban Mermaid's "Krafty Christmas" (taggers sized) Scrapkit. The "Woodsy" alpha is courtesy of Lady Grundlefunk. UMD's kit are available in both Full and Taggers sizes as are the kits from Yarrow and CBJ.

1 comment:

  1. Ohh they are so cute! For Christmas stuff. And I just love how the girls dresses really look all velvety! :)
