Here Miss Diamond as "The Big Black Christmas Cat". Doesn't she look festive? The scraps are from the "Joy Bell" kit by Krissy's Scraps and I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the colors.
The Blue Ornament Alpha is by Sugar Mama Scraps. She is doing the same thing with her Sugar Mama Scraps Store that Creative Scraps is doing, which is giving away a freebie a day up until Christmas. Mostly, the ones from Sugar Mama Scraps has been the ornament alphas.
The First Sno-el
Tris was posing for me again on Sunday and this was one of the shots. I took his collar out in PSP using the clone brush. I sort of mucked up the background transparency (there's got to be an easier way to do it), but not so much that it couldn't be corrected with the edge fading tool.
The scraps are from "The First Sno-el" taggers kit by Soxsational Scraps. I just love the snow babies! The gold ornament alpha is also by Sugar Mama Scraps and was one of the freebies-a-day until Xmas.
The snow flakes are from a CU pack that Soxsational put out, they are not part of the kit. I also cut one of her light elements from a double strand to a single strand to use in the piece. I've don't that before, it's relatively simple to do using "Crop to Selection" and then erasing out the bits left over that you don't want.
A Huffle Holiday
It's spring down in Aus, heading into summer, so I did this layout of Huffle Mawson using the "Sea Side Holiday" scrapkit from "Scrappin with Lil Ole Me". It's more themed for the gulf coast, but I figured it couldn't be too far off from Christmas Down Under.
The Santa Hat is by Goretty Rocha, the Blue Ornament Alpha is from Sugar Mama Scraps and is the same deal as the previous two.
This tag, and the next two were worked up specifically for BKCFOC #75 that we hosted at House Panthers. The curvy fiber that I used in this one and in the tag for Diamond about came from the "Santa's Helpers" taggers kit from Krissy's Scraps.
Ernie needs a lift
Speaking of which, this whole layout uses scraps from the "Santa's Helpers" taggers kit by Krissy's Scraps. The Island Cats is another of those blogs with really small shots and so by extension, Ernie had to be fairly small so he wouldn't pixelate out.
It does make for a cute little tag.
This kit came with single strand lights, so I didn't have to make my own.
The Gift of Little Isis
Little Isis is well known for personally checking out every box that comes through The Wrens Nest. I photo shopped her out of box and back into another one for this tag. The scraps are all from the "Snow Blue" FTU kit from Bluedream Designs. The "Winter" Alpha is from Andjelina's Designs and is available at Ahhh Scrap.
They are gorgeous! :)