
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Red Elf, Blue Elf

The Blue Elves, and the Dancing Doll, are all (c) by Lacy Clagg and available at the LC Tube Store.

Tis the Season

Elves,Christmas,Kitty Cats,Happy Holidays,Holiday Glitter

Soxsational Scraps finally re-released the three holiday kits she'd replaced the clip art in, and I don't know that I like the new ones as well as the old ones. I used the original version of "A Country Christmas" for this tag, and one of the reasons for buying it in the first place was for the adorable Christmas Cat. He is not in the new version (of course).

The background mask was provided by Wee Scots Lass, while the word art is courtesy of Cupcake Sprinkles by Caitlin.

Snow Day

Elves,Winter,Snow,Happy Holidays

I haven't tried double masking yet, but I'm sure that's coming. The light blue area is a background that had been masked into the current shape, which is kind snowflakey. Then I put a second, darker background behind it, and added the actually snowflakes on top. It looks great...I'm really happy with the results!

All the scraps are from the Wintry Wonders kit by Krissy's Scraps, while the word art is by Bekah E. The mask is from Wee Scots Lass, who has more (More!) posted on her blog including some obviously Christmas ones.

Blue Christmas

Elves,Christmas,Winter,Snow,Happy Holidays,Holiday Glitter

Sort of the same deal as above - in fact the two tags are very similar in their construction, demonstrating my lack of imagination. The difference is that the scraps came from the "Ice Warm" taggers kit by Yarrow, except for the present, which is from the "Xmas Freebie" from Chaos Priestess. I was trying to get the brushes that came in that freebie to work, but evidently, I don't know what I'm doing yet. I seem to recall having a document on loading brushes (or tubes) and am going to have to find it and read it. ::sigh::

I also added drop shadow under the masked layer, to help make the papers - which are all very light colored - stand out.

New Years Girl

Happy New Year,Bonitas

The mask for this tag came from Designs by Ali, and didn't work the way I was hoping it would. However, I am not unpleased with the results, it's just that they were different than what I expected. The scraps are from the New Years Bash collaboration kit from Taggers Scraps, although both the backgrounds were from Amanda's portion, while the glitter edge came from Candy's Treats.

1 comment:

  1. I have to say the elves are a little bit creepy, they have young features yet the bags of an old lady...
    It sounds like you really have the hang of using masks now :)
    I just love the internet for instructions :)
