
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sadie Tags

"Sadie" is one of the templates for the Daz3D/Poser software and just about everyone has done a version of her at some time or other. I got 3 free Sadie Faes from Brandi's Creations, plus 5 as Sadies as an Ice Fae. She also appears as an elf in a Calypso manifestation, and I also have several "Sock Hop Sadies" from Brandi that I'll probably do something with.

The first of the "Sadies" I did, I really didn't like so I'm going to redo it. I was using a kit from Shari's EZ Scraps and it just wasn't working. So...

Cloudy Day Fae


All of the Fairies in the four tags in this post are (c) Brandi's Creations. The scraps for this tag came from the "Cloudy Skies" taggers kit by Candy's Treats. I'd kind of bought this on a whim, but it's a really fun kit for fairy/fantasy tags, as well as for tags for the young crowd. I got it on sale for $1.50 (US) and it was well worth the price.

It also comes with a "crumpled paper bonus pack", so you have additional background options.

The glitter doodle is from Calypso Design, the rest of the bling came with the kit. The little cat is a hold over from the "Twinkle Little Star" blog freebie from Shari's EZ Scraps. It is part of a set with the froggie though, which Diane has in the kit, and I also have it as a freestanding clip art tube somewhere, so it was evidently a fairly common place template at one time.

Sunfidulgence Sadie


The scraps are from the "Sunfidulgence" taggers kit from Scraps by Jessica, and if the name didn't tip you off, it's intended for fair tags and the like.

It comes with it's own bling, fairy dust, fairy trails, butterflies and dragonflies and all sorts of fun flitty and fantastic stuff.

Lil Ice Fae


Sitting in her little ice grotto. The scraps are from the "Arty Pharty Birthday Blog Train", one of several blog trains that rolled this last week. The "Christmas-4-Her" alpha is a blog freebie courtesy of Kirsty's Scraps.

Lil Snow Fae


Again, scraps from the "Arty Pharty Birthday Blog Train". I have quite a few "pastely" holiday sets, but this was a collab between six designers and is probably versatile enough to handle quite a bit. I'm considering using it on the Sock Hop Sadie tags to, just without the winter/holiday elements.

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