
Friday, December 12, 2008

Snow Daze - Week 2, Part II

A continuation of the Snowcats Project. Please note the change I made to yesterday's post, regarding Mr. Henrix tag.

Mrs. Lilly White

Snowcats Project,Domestic Cat,Winter,Snow,Holiday Glitter,Happy Holidays

This was such a pretty picture of Mrs. Lilly White that I felt I had to use it. In order to do it justice, I used the "Winter Elegance" taggers kit from Chaos Priestess for the scraps. An elegant kit for an elegant polar bear cat.

The "Baby it's Cold Outside" alpha is from Designs by Karyn.

Miss Tilly

House Panther,Domestic Cat,Winter,Snowcats Project,Happy Holidays,Holiday Glitter

Here is the lovely and sweet Miss Tillie from Mickey's Musings scrapped out all in pink courtesy of the "Let it Snow" FTU taggers kit by Kristen's Wicked Scraps. The C4Her alpha was also a freebie, this time by Kirsty's Scraps.

Goretty Rocha provided the Santa Hat she is wearing.


Dog,Winter,Snowcats Project,Happy Holidays,Holiday Glitter

I went back to an earlier scrap kit, going with "Winterland" from Soxsational Scraps because I wanted to use all the snowballs! As above, the "Baby it's Cold Outside" alpha is courtesy of Designs by Karyn. The Hat and the scarf came from the "Build a Snowman Scene" mini-kit by Candy's Treats.

I love the way this turned out. Phantom looks like he is so ready to go plaster someone with snowballs.


Dog,Snowcats Project,Happy Holidays,Winter,Snow

The was kind of an interesting bit. The pictures of Khyra on his blog are too small to use...they pixelate out when you try to enlarge the image. So I was faced with a really tiny Khyra, or...I had to do something to make those little images work.

In the end I used two kits. The scraps inside the box are from Candy's Treat's I love Snow kit. The put the small Khyra in the picture, but gave me a bigger image to use as the focus for the tag.

Then I scrapped outside the box using Bluedream Designs' Snow Blue taggers kit. The Icy Alpha is courtesy of Bits'N'Bobs.

I had to approach this as an exercise in creativity to get it done, but then is suddenly opens up whole new creative vistas.

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