
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tullulah's Christmas Around the World

Tullulah, in all four tags, is (c) by Sharon Becker. I don't have to mention she's Sadie morph, do I?

I did not pursue the Christmas Around the World Blog Train to any great extent. I think there were something like 131 stops, which makes for one heck of a collab kit. I did pick up parts from my usual designers, and in some cases they are usable as mini-kits.

Fairy,Christmas,Happy Holidays,Holiday Glitter

Not everyvone gave you a choice either, between full size or taggers size. Toni's Scraparoni did, and I took the taggers size, as that's what I prefer to work in. I love all the bling she does, but the blingy Santa and Reindeer has to be one of my favorites. The kitty under the tree is also by Sharon, from one of her templates.

The word art is from Bekah E's Escape 2 Scrapland and is full size. I'm mentioning this because...

Fairy,Christmas,Happy Holidays,Holiday Glitter,Snowman

When you're working in Taggers size, and add something full size in PSP, it's going to be like 3 times too big (or more) so you need to remember to re-size it first before you add it to your canvas. The scraps in this tag are from Imperfoxtion Designs contribution to the train, and Imperfoxtion is itself a collab effort between Foxy's Designs and Imp's Provisations.

In this case I had to put the two pieces together to get enough scraps to work with, so it became an Imperfoxtion effort. I was going to use Bittersweet, but most of her contribution was an alpha - I'll have to use her part of the train in conjunction with other sections.

Fairy,Christmas,Happy Holidays,Holiday Glitter

Back to Toni's Scraparoni again. I did the two tags together so I also used Bekah E's word art for his tag. Tallulah comes with the snow ball, I didn't add that in.

Fairy,Snowman,Christmas,Happy Holidays,Holiday Glitter

This portion of the blog train came from Creationz by Jo. One of the nice things about working in taggers size with a full size kit is that you elements that were intended to be smaller, and make them huge without the image pixelating out. You'll see that more in the in the Cinnamon tags I have upcoming, but I liked make the holly berry plant big in this one.

The word art is from Cupcake Sprinkles by Caitlin.

Anyway, there's a bit of holiday spirit for you on this lovely Christmas Day in Southwest Florida, where we never have to worry about ice and snow!

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