The Love Chick...promises something for everyone.
Set a course for adventure, your mind on a new romance...
And Love...won't hurt anymore. It's an open smile, on a friendly shore.
The Love Chick
The Love Chick, featured in all these tags is (c) by Bits'N'Bobs and is available at United Scraps 4 Taggers. There are ten tubes in the package, you can pick up two bonus tubes off their blog. She's available for commercial use as well.
The Scraps for all the tags came from Soxsational Scraps. This uses her "Beary Love" taggers kit. The "Blood Red Roses" are from an additional element pack, also by Tracy at Soxsational Scraps. You can buy all her stuff over at The Goodie Loft. Sorry, but I'm not going to link to each individual product.
Heart Shaped Box
These scraps are also from the "Beary Love" taggers kit, in this case though, the element pack add on is Soxsational's "Black Widow Roses" set. She has three, the other one being "Dainty Pink Roses". The Valentine's Alpha is from Delicious Scraps, and was a blog freebie.
A Time for Love
The ribbon is by Bits'N'Bobs as well and was a blog freebie. The word art is courtesy of Digi-Designs by Nicole. Most of the masks I use are from Wee Scots Lass, this one is from Cameron, who does some incredible work. You'll see more of them in the "Ocean Friends" set when I get that up. Check out her blog though at Cameron Tags, she does some really tremendous work.
The scraps here are also from the "Beary Love" taggers kit. The next three tags feature scraps from Soxsational Scraps "Bee Mine" taggers kit and if you have a hard time telling them apart, don't feel bad. So do I.
Bee Mine
Case in point. It's called "Bee Mine" but it features clip art bears, which are different clip art bears than the ones included in the "Bear Love" kit. The gold frame is from the "Valentine Pendants" element pack, which is also by Sox.
Chocolate Kisses
Yet another Soxsational element pack is the Victoria St. collection. The sign actually said "Christmas Specials" but a little bit of work with the paint brush took care of that.
The Alpha is by Crazed's Creations, one of several I picked up from her blog.
Love Bug
Love Bugs, in Florida, are small black flying insects related to fireflies (a.k.a. lightning bugs) which spawn in April and May, serve no comprehensible purpose, and get into EVERYTHING. The birds won't even eat them because they taste bad, and if don't get love bug juice off your car (and you'll pick up a collection of squashed love bugs very quickly) it will eat your paint off. Nasty things.
These aren't actually love bugs, they're little bees. I figured if the kit was called "Bee Mine" I should add in some bees somewhere. The Bees are actually courtesy of the only cop I'm every happy to see, The Scrappin' Cop. The frame is from the afore mentioned Valentine's Pendant pack. The word art piece on the bottom does come with the kit and seems to be the source of it's name.
So there you go. I will either do more, or I will finish off the "Ocean Friends" thing first, then do another set, but I'd like to take a nap first. I like my afternoon naps! I'm sure Miss Diamond wants to cat nap with me. :)
AWWWWWWW they are sooo pretty(even for pastels)!!! :)))
ReplyDeleteYou are a sweetheart.. even though I know you will just hate me for saying that :p so nyer nyer ;)
For such a cute name love bugs sure sound nasty!
And I think a nap sounds just perfect! Oh my goodness.. if I don't come in for an afternoon nap every day with the babies the yell and scream and well get angry at me! hehe
I hope you all have a wonderful one full with lots of nice dreams :)