
Friday, January 2, 2009

Polar Bear Party

I had gotten this little clip art pack from My Digital Things, and it was so cute, I just had to do something with it. They make adorable kids tags.

The scraps are from the "Brrr Baby" freebie kit from Farrah's Creations. While this is a full size kit, I had purchased a script from Queen Brat Designs that resizes it to taggers and it worked great. It let me pick the size, so I wanted to same some of the elements at a larger size, I could do that. Since full size kits eat up disk space and can be really time consuming to work with in a taggers environment, it was a great investment for $2.00.

She as it vetted through PSP 9.0, but it worked great on PSPXI.

Polar Bear Baby

The snowmen used in the inserts are also from Farrah's Creations, from her Xmas Tube freebie. The Frosty Alpha is courtesy of Krakatuka.

Polar Bear Baby

Polar Bear Baby

I'm not sure my recoloring efforts on the 3rd balloon met with success, but the yellow just wasn't working. The word art is courtesy of MW Designs.

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