
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A little Irish Charm would appear that United Scraps 4 Taggers was the second coming of Taggers Scraps. They've closed their "doors", Bittersweet has removed her blog and according to posts on some of the designers blogs, owes money to quite a few of them.

The digi-scrap world contintues to fascinate me with all the comings and goings.

I'm doing Mardi Gras cats this week for Miss Diamond's T-13 post, but taking just a little break, here's some St. Patrick Day tags using the new "Irish Charm" taggers kit from Krissy's Scraps. This pretty much is a clip art kit and yes, she's using same clip art from Digiweb Studios that everyone else has. The only original point was the inclusion of some green why didn't I think of that. LOL!

The Amy poser in all three tags is from Lacy Clagg. While this is a PTU tube, it was one that we got for free for buying from the LCTS in December.

Irish Charm 1

Irish Charm 2

Irish Charm 3

The Satin Gold alpha is from Free Digital Scrapbooking. You know I had to get one in there with the green beer!

While I generally hang on to PTU kits, some of FTU Mardi Gras ones going to be deleted from my drive very shortly. Their not worth the disk space their taking up. And despite the number of St. Patrick's Day kits I've amassed, I'm still snagging them. But then, I always was a sucker for both Mardi Gras and St. Patrick's Day.

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