
Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Funky Valentine

Good morning all and a Happy Valentine's to you. I put together a set of Valentine's Day themed snaggables using Perfect Posers "My Funny Valentine" and the scraps from the "My Funky Valentine" collab kit from United Scraps 4 Taggers.

I wasn't going to get this collab, originally, but Toni contributed to it and you know how much I like her stuff! In the end, I'm very glad I did, despite the time it took to download and sort out, because it really is a fun and funky kit.

The sole exception is the bear in the fourth tag, which is by Scraps with Attitude from a script by Queen Brat. There are several bears in the kit, but they didn't work really work in the piece, and aren't as cute.

My the loves of your life shower you all with candy, flowers, bears, gifts and most of all - love - on this day set aside to remind us of romance in our lives!

My Funky Valentine

My Funky Valentine

My Funky Valentine

My Funky Valentine

My Funky Valentine

Lots of great sales going on today and this weekend. Aside from US4T, Paradise 4 Scrapers is 50% off store wide, including the "My Funny Valentine" poser I used in these tags. Well worth checking out!

1 comment:

  1. For tags very pin, they very much work!! :))
    I hope you have a wonderful valentines :))
