
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pawti Gras (Briefly)

These are tags that I did with kits that I covered in more detail in previous posts on this blog.

Diamond Emerald Eyes

House Panther,Miss Diamond,Mardi Gras

For Miss Diamond's layout, I used the Sign of the Gypsy Queen taggers kit from Baby Cakes Scraps. The green beads are from the Fat Tuesday collaboration from Team Kissed by Pix, and the crystal ball is from the Bourban Street taggers kit from Created by Jill.

I love purple and I really love the BCS kit. Hopefully I'll find some other uses for it in the not to distant future.

Zed Monster

Snowshoe Siamese,Mardi Gras

For Zeddie, I went with the Masquerade kit from Farrah's Creations. These were some of the last tags I did in this T-13 series and if you must know...yes, I was saving, what I considered the best kits for last.

I believe both Masquerade and Sign of the Gypsy Queen are available in full and taggers sizes, so if you want to scrap your Mardi Gras memories, you have the option to do that.

Tristan Tabby Cat Longtail

Tabby Cat,Mardi Gras

For Tris' tag I used the Bourbon Street kit from Created by Jill. There was never any question in my mind as who I was going to tag with it, as it just suited my little snuggle buddy. The jester's hat is from the Fat Tuesday collob from Team Kissed by Pix. He's got the kind of personality that would love funny hats, if he could ever get over his distaste for wearing them.


Domestic Mediumhair,Mardi Gras

Royce is a new guest for our T-13 tagging extravaganzas. I went with the SNS Mardi Gras blog train for the scraps, in part because I really like that feathered mask.


Bi-colored Cat,Mardi Gras

Semi related is the tag for Rosie. I used the Mardi Gras kit from Sassy's Imagination to do the tag. She was one of the designers that participated in the SNS blog train, so some of the scraps are similar. I really like this green background however, and I pleased with the way the piece turned out.

The foilcap alpha is from Snowsmoon Designs.


Tabby Cat,Mardi Gras

I was very unhappy in the end, with this tag. What I SHOULD have done, was paint over the emblems on the dabbloons, and then embossed Skittles onto them. Oh well. Hind sight and all that.

The scraps are from the Fat Tuesday collab from Team Kissed by Pix. The alpha is from MT Lane Designs, who's kit we will explore in a bit more detail in another post, and the tag was an add on to the Oopsie Daisy full size Laisez Le Bon Temps Rouler that I didn't buy.

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