
Monday, March 30, 2009


I dug out Miss Diamond's Easter Village this weekend to take into work today. She was a little miffed that I was taking her "Eastern Village" to my "Day Hunting Place" but I'm afraid that If I set it up at home, Tristan would break it.

Miss Diamond's Eastern village

Miss Diamond's Eastern village

Miss Diamond's Eastern village

Miss Diamond's Eastern village

These are really cute pieces that I should really photograph - sans the easter grass - and tube so the rest of you can use them in your projects.

The Hippity Hop train is off although there are quite a bit of contributions which are not posted yet. Either that or the designers all jumped the track. I'm also ready for Wednesday's Goodie Train. If you check The Good Train Blog, you can see the kit previews from the designers that are in the train - mine included.

One of the other designers is Chili Designz, who I equate to great CU items. I just realized this weekend she does some really good scraps as well.

The following two tags were done using her contribution to the Spring Time blog Train, which you can download from her blog. The bunnies are from Outlaw by Design.

Spring Time

Spring Time

It's very much a mini-kit, but some of the items are really unique.

She also has a kit in the Groovylicious Syncho-Scrap at Exquisite Scraps:


The poser is one of KairinaKat Kreations and is included with the kit. I think they were all scrambling for Hippy posers...LOL!

The word art in the background is from Bits'N'Bobs contribution to the Groovylicious Syncho-Scrap.


I don't think any of the elements in the kit were very 60-ish, but they were quite unique and I managed this rather surrealistic piece, which I'm rather fond of.

The Hippy poser is (b) by Lacy Clagg. I was not hurting for hippies, as I have Lacy's Hippy 1 and Hippy 2 packages.

Now I'm going to have to look more seriously at Chili Designz kits as the little tastes I've gotten from her freebies have made me very curious.

Meanwhile, I looking at the DigiFree FAQs and noticed this line: "taggers at 72dpi are not really for proper digital scrapbooking..." Excuse me? Taggers are people too! Maybe we need a tagger free search engine?

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