
Thursday, March 19, 2009


"Tarot" is a four-piece blog fr33bie by Snowraven that she just finish up. It's a bit of a full sized mini-kit that I resized for tagging. There were all very quick tags using several pieces each from the kit, but they were incredibly fun to put together.

I've only sorry that there are only 8 cards in the kit. I want a whole deck now! The symbolism is great! and I can just imagine bringing it into other tags, especially if wanted to sit down and get serious with it.

The poser in all four tags is "See No Evil" from Perfect Posers. I've seen several variations of the hooded maiden poser, but the "Blind Seer" is a fairly standard fantasy element. Another variation that's cropped up is "Lady Justice" a blind warrior, but let's stick with fortune telling for the moment.

I've meant to scan my tarot cards once before's the rub. I haven't seen them since I moved from Fort Lauderdale. I'm sure they're in one of those boxes in the storage unit, but short of pulling every last box apart, I haven't been able to find them.

I really should buy a new set. Or enlist the aid of a blind seer to tell me which box they are in. In any case...

The Blind Seer
"The spendthrift prince is brought to justice."

Just a simple two card layout on each tag. All of the masks are by Wee Scots Lass.

The Blind Seer
"The foolish king"

The lily is from Chili Designz, the daffodiles are from Heartbeatz Creationz. I wanted lilies, I was just having a hard time finding them.

The Blind Seer
"The Queen's Strength"

Again, the flower is from Chili Designz, as is the one in the following tag. I love the carpet! That's such a nice piece!

The Blind Seer
"A child brings hope for the kingdom (world)"

The page is used to represent a youngster, although the page on the card looks fairly old. Pages at court were generally aged 12 and under.

I would say something about I really need to stop reading David Eddings, but I haven't picked up one of his books in a while, so I can't. Dunno - I guess this stuff just kind of sticks with you.

Anyway, this was also something I did last night. I told you I got a lot accomplished! LOL!

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