
Friday, June 12, 2009

Lake Park Crest on the 38th Street Canal

When I moved over to the Fort Myers area from the East Coast, one of the things I missed was the the fact that there was always something going on. We do okay with events here, but it's not EVERY weekend. If you were ever bored in Fort Laud, you just needed to look around and sure enough, you'd find something to interest you.

The Dolphins, the Marlins, the Heat....these are all things I miss. Yes, even the toothless old Panthers.

However, I was reading Ginger's Blog and she reminded me of something I don't miss....

Lake Park Crest on the 38th Street Canal

Oh sure, we get some mild, localized flooding, but nothing like we had every summer at Lake Park Crest on the 38th Street Canal.

These pictures were all taken with my way old digital camera, which needed batteries at the time, and which is why there are all those lines through the pictures.

They are "scrapped out" using my yet to be released "40 Days" taggers kit. Since I'm not printing them, I felt it was totally acceptable to do them to 800 x 800 pxl size for use on the computer. :)

One of the reasons "40 Days" has yet to be released, is that it's a Noah's Ark themed kit, and I've yet to build the ark. In fact as I was doing these little images, I was making some elements up.

Lake Park Crest on the 38th Street Canal

The other is that the animals used in it are - basically - the same ones I used in my Lion Hunt kit. Lion Hunt goes in the stores on MONDAY and I didn't want to release them too close together.

Note that this is the last weekend you can get Lion Hunt as a free to use kit, so if you've not snagged it, then you might want to CLICK HERE and grab it while it's still free.

The 38th Street Canal

I had had the 2x2 frames made up, but when I was doing these little layouts, I decided single frames might not be a bad idea, so I whipped up a set. I think I also want to add another set of tags. The ones I have are fine, but I didn't always want a fish on my tags.

Don't you love these fish doodles? I was procrastinating on doing the fish for this kit until I found these fish doodles. They are just way too cute and just what I needed to get back on track with "40 Days".

The "no wake" sign was also something I whipped up for these layouts as was...

Lake Park Crest

The rainbow. I couldn't believe I hadn't done one earlier! Well, so much for thinking the kit was 99% done!

I also adore these little lightning bugs (a.k.a. Fireflies). This was something Cindy at Scrappin with Lil Ole Me dreamed up and they made me laugh. How imaginative!

Anyway, you can probably see where this would have made a great page kit - too bad my computer won't support my moving into that venue. All I can say is that I hope the economy turns around soon, and that perhaps I'll be able to afford the upgrades it needs by this time next year.

In other news, I've been working diligently on my offering for the July Goodie Train. I have also jumped on the Gothic Inspirations Blog Train for July and am working on another fairy themed kit for that one.

I also wrote a new tutorial last night. It is FTU, and free is of course, better than cheap. You can CLICK HERE for the tut and to grab the goodies associated with it! (That doodle alpha is full sized by the way, for all you Digi-Scrapers, and is FREE!)


  1. I live in Florida too, but not near the coast. But those rains we just had for weeks we nice. We surely needed them. Of course, we had to replace some sod and the day we did that was the day the rains stopped.

    Lovely layouts and kits.

  2. Cute animals! And, WOW, is that some flooding!!

  3. I grew up in Fl and my dd is going next week to Kissimmee. I so don't miss this or the rain, I hope it gets better soon :)
