
Friday, June 5, 2009

Texas Rose Tutorial

Sexy Cowgirl

This tutorial was written by Dianna Richards of Digicats (and Dogs). Any resemblance to any other tutorial, published or unpublished, living, dead or undead, is purely coincidental.

Please do not rebroadcast, redistribute or otherwise claim this tutorial or any part there of as your own work.

Items you will need to complete this project:

The Cowgirl Sexy taggers kit by A Taggers Scrap. This is a fundraising kit which includes over 50 Megs of goodies and it is available for purchase at Sophisti-Scraps.

Western tube of choice. I am using psp10067 Lone Star by Ismael Rac which is available at You must have a license to use this tube.

Wee Scot's Lass Mask #222 which may be downloaded HERE.

The fonts "Harlow Solid Italic" & "Figaro MT" which are both MS Windows System fonts and which should be available on your system. If you do not have them you can download them for free from Font Trader

Note that H# and V# refer to Horizontal and vertical coordinates on your canvas grid. Make sure you have View, Rulers checked in order to see the ruler grid.

When I say "Add to your canvas" I expect that you will copy and paste it as a new layer, unless otherwise state in the tutorial.

This tutorial assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP. It was written using PSP X1, but should work in most other versions of PSP.

To begin, open a canvas, 800 x 800, flood fill White.

Open Paper 2. Open Rope Background 8. Add Rope Background 8 to Paper 2, the Select Layers --> Merge --> Merge Down.

Next select layers, load/save mask and load mask from disk. Select WSM #222, and make sure the "Fit to canvas box is checked. Click on Load.

Layers --> Merge --> Merge Group. Copy and paste the merged image to your main canvas, centered. (Do not save changes to paper 2.)

Open Cowhide Frame, and select Image, Rotate Right. Resize to 70%, and then copy and paste to main canvas, centered. Activate your pick tool, and rotate the frame about 20 degrees to the left.

Select Image --> Resize and resize your canvas to 75% (600 x 600 pxl).

Open psp10067 SCRac - LoneStar. Click on the "Close" layer and copy and paste to your canvas, centered. Use your pick tool to turn the tube slightly to the left, matching the angle of the frame. Also resize the tube slightly to the Horizontal edges line up with the Horizontal edges on the frame.

On the layers pallet, click on the tube layer (Raster 3) and drag it under the frame layer (Raster 2). Position the tube to taste in the frame.

On the layers pallet, click on the frame layer to activate it.

In PSP10067 SCRAc - Lonestar, click on the tube layer and copy, then paste as a new image. Mirror the new image and resize to 35%. Copy and paste to your main canvas, centered at H490, V430.

Going back to the kit, open "grass" and mirror it. Paste to your canvas centered at H280, V320.

Click on the frame layer on the pallet menu again to active it, then take your eraser and erase the bit of the frame that is showing below the grass layer. (Don't worry about the background that shows, leave that as is.)

Click on the grass layer on the pallet menu to active it.

Open Heart Rope 1, resize to 60% copy and paste to your canvas, centered at V370, H440

Open Rose 5, resize to 50%, and add to canvas centered at H150, V460. (Note, you can substitute a one of the other roses if you prefer a different color.)

On the materials pallet, set your foreground color to black (#000000), and your background color to Dark Brown (#4f302e).

Activate your text tool and select the "Harlow Solid Italic" font, 20 points, bold, and centered. Click above the top of the frame and add the copyright info for the tube:

(c) Ismael Rac

Do not add your license number just yet. Activate your pick tool and use the drag boxes to limit the size of the copyright into match the horizontal edge of the frame and also turn it slightly to the left to match the angle of the top of the frame.

Open "badge". Activate your text tool and select font: Figaro MT, 48 points, Bold, Centered. Click under the word "Sheriff" on the badge and type your LICENSE number. Readjust the text to taste, the select Layers --> Merge --> Merge Visible.

Resized your badge to 60%, then copy it. Using your pick tool, click anywhere on the masked paper layer to activate it. Copy your badge to the main canvas, and center at H470, V130. Make sure the licensing number is visible.

You can now save the artists copy of the tag as a pspimage.

Open a new canvas, 600 W by 300 H, with a transparent background. Using the alpha enclosed in the kit, compose your name, or the name you wish to appear on the tag, in the new canvas.

Select Layers --> Merge --> Merge Visible. Click on the rose layer on the Layers pallet to activate it, then copy and paste the name to the main canvas.

Using your pick tool, use the drag boxes to resize the name to taste, and place it in the lower right hand corner, on or under the line for the heart rope. You may wish to rotate it slightly, about 10 or 20%.

Optionally, you can then activate the text tool again, and using the Harlow Solid Italic (8 points, center, bold) add the tagged by info under your name. Use the pick tool and drag boxes to locate and resize to taste.

You may then keep the white background in place, merge the layers and save as a .jpg, or you can drop the white background, merge visible, and save as a .png.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you have any questions or get stuck, please feel free to E-Mail me.

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