
Thursday, June 18, 2009

An update from the battlefront...


We have CONTACT!

I went home for lunch and when I was getting ready to leave, I turned around to pick up my purse and there....

on the coffee table....


TOGETHER - actually physically touching one another -

Were Diamond and Tristan!

No hissing, no boxing, no whapping.

Just soft kitty snoozings.

It's only taken like 9 months!


Look! Look! Look!

White feet on black fur!

I do hope Miss Diamond groomed herself extra well after this, because otherwise, she might end up with Kooties!


I am using the Lullaby Lambs kit from Random Inspirations. I've had this one for a while and like it a lot. You can find it at Inspiration Lane.

Peace on earth - especially in the middle of the Tabby Wars - now that's a tad bit harder to find.


  1. adorable new LO's, too cute!!!

    Happy Scrapin' Kat

  2. That is just TOO cool!! :)
    Vic and Mushka took a long time to snuggle too, I think a year or so, but now I see them grooming and sleeping together on a regular basis, though the scraps do happen, I mean It's not like they can synchronise their loving needs :P hehe haha Miss D and Tris will hopefully be cuddling and keeping each other warm by winter ! :)

  3. Glad your cats are finally getting along!

  4. Yay! That is good news!!! Now if we could only get Wally and Zoey to do the same!

  5. Awesome!! I am in the midst of one myself, and I fear by the time, if ever, that they actually start to get along, it will be time for me and mine to leave, lol.

    Great layout!

  6. LOL...what fun! Sounds like they may have had a problem....

  7. I've been such a bad cyber friend lately! I haven't visited in so long. I can't believe all the new kits you've got out now. They are awesome!

    As far as the half naked women go----she's over dressed for South Beach! I see people wearing less than that out in public everyday. LOL!
