
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Predator Tutorial

Majestic Midnight

This tutorial was written by Dianna Richards of Digicats (and Dogs). Any resemblance to any other tutorial, published or unpublished, living, dead or undead, is purely coincidental.

Please do not rebroadcast, redistribute or otherwise claim this tutorial or any part there of as your own work.

Items you will need to complete this project:

The Majestic Midnight taggers kit by Scraps by j0eswife. This kit is available for purchase at Digital Chaos and Stargazer Scraps.

Tube of choice. I am using psp8383 SCEverett Predatory by Brandy Everett. You must have a license to use this tube. Note that Brandy is no longer selling out of MyPSPTubes.

Wee Scots Mask #228 which you can download HERE.

Font of choice.

The Silver Twilight Alpha, which was created by Amber Gray and which may be downloaded from her blog HERE.

Note that H# and V# refer to Horizontal and vertical coordinates on your canvas grid. Make sure you have View, Rulers checked in order to see the ruler grid.

When I say "Add to your canvas" I expect that you will copy and paste it as a new layer, unless otherwise state in the tutorial.

This tutorial assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP. It was written using PSP X1, but should work in PSP 8 and up.

To begin, open a new raster canvas, 800 x 800 pxls, flood fill white.

Open SBJ_Paper 26, and resize to 80%. Select --> Layers --> Load/Save Mask --> Load Mask from Disk and locate Wee Scots Lass mask # 228. Make sure the "fit to canvas" box is checked, then click on load.

Using you pick tool, expand to the guidelines on the mask to the edges of the canvas.

Select --> Layers --> Merge --> Merge group. then add to your main canvas, centered.

Open Vine #3, resize to 60% and add to canvas, centered at V600, H400. Duplicate and Mirror.

Open Tombstone and Lantern, resize by 75% and add to canvas centered at V400, H450.

Open psp8383 SCEverett Predatory, click on the tube layer, copy and past to your main canvas, centered at H330, V490.

on the layers pallet, click on Vine #3 (raster 2) to activate it. Open SBJ_Black Cat, resize to 50% and copy to main canvas, centered at H550, V550. (This should result in the cat peaking out from behind the tombstone as shown.)

Open Ribbon with Rings 3, resize by 75% and add to your canvas centered at H400, V650. Using your eraser tool, erase any of the branches on the either of the vines that might be showing below the ribbon.

On the layer pallet, move "copy of Raster 2" down so that it's directly above "Raster 2" and below the cat and ribbon layers. Then click on the tube layer (Raster 4) to activate it.

Open Raven 2, resize to 50% and add to the canvas, centered at H530, V130.

Open Glitter Smudge 2, and resize to 75%. On the layers pallet, click on the paper layer (Raster 1) to active it and add the glitter smudge, centered at H300, V300.

Activate your tube layer and add a drop shadow. I am using Offsets of V & H, 10, Opacity of 60, blur of 25.

On the materals pallet, set your foreground color to transparent and your background color to #c0c0c0 (gray). Using the font of choice add the copyright info to your tag. For the Predatory tube, the copyright info should be:


I am using the font "Creepy", 8 points, bold and centered and then I used my pick tool to adjust it further.

You can now save your artists' copy as a .pspimage.

Adding your name is usually a personal preference. I am using the Silver Twilight alpha that was created by Amber Gray Designs, which is a FTU alpha.

To add the name using this alpha, open a new raster canvas, 600 x 300 pxls, with a transparent background. The Silver Twilight Alpha is a full sized alpha that I resized for tagging purposes, You my script it down before you start this, or you may manually resize the letters to fit the canvas as you go along, which ever you prefer.

Open the capital letter of choice, resize accordingly and add to the new canvas on the far left hand size.

Repeat with the lower case letters to spell out the name you desire. You may need to play with the size of the letters to get them to fit on the canvas, depending upon the length of the name.

Once you have the name composed to your taste, select Layers --> Merge --> Merge Visible. Make sure the top layer on your layer pallet is selected, then copy and paste the name as a whole to your main canvas. Use your pick tool to resize the name to fit, and center it around H250, V200 (depending upon the length of your name).

Rotate slightly counterclockwise to taste, and add a drop shadow to match the one you added to the tube.

Resize your canvas by 75% (to 600 x 600 pxls). Drop the white background layer, merge visible, and save the file as a .png as your all done!

That's it! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you should have a problem, please feel free to E-Mail Me and I'll be happy to help you out.

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