
Monday, August 31, 2009

New in Shops: Vampiric Charms!

New in my stores is Part 2 of my Witchy Pooh series!

Vampiric Charms

Witchy Pooh as teamed up with her vampire friend Poison Ivy to start a supernatural extermination service. If you're plagued by ghosts and goblins that won't go away, stray werewolves, or gallivanting ghouls, these are the girls to call to get the job done!

As always they've got all sorts of stuff on hand to do the trick.

Vampiric Charms features 30 800 x 800 .jpg papers - both grungy and patterned; Plus 99 elements including 10 frames, 5 round and 5 square (with spider webs) and 5 spider web tags.

Plus you'll find 6 candy corn, 5 beaded clips, 5 bows, 5 candles, 5 flowers, 5 ribbons, 5 ric-rac, 5 ribbon wrap, 3 bubbles, 2 bats, 2 sparkle overlay, 2 spooky trees, 2 tombstones, 2 dragonfly charms, 1 book of shadows, 1 bookcase, 1 bootiful bird, 1 cauldron, 1 coffin, 1 crescent moon, 1 crystal ball, 1 Halloween candy, 1 haunted grave, 1 owl, 1 set of potions, 1 pumpkin, 1 sign, 1 set of spell books, 1 tabby cat, 1 table, 1 treat bag, 1 witch's hat, 1 full moon, 1 broom, 1 set of brooms, 2 haunted delivery vans courtesy of Creative Intentionz, plus 2 posers - Witchy Pooh and Poison Ivy - created by Outlaw by Design.

It's a charmingly good time! Everything is saved to 300 DPI. PU/S4H okay.

Note: This kit has been retired and is now available for FREE elsewhere on this blog!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Schnegge's Strange Brew

Schnegge has done this absolutely awesome tag and tut using my new Strange Brew taggers kit.

Strange Brew

You can find the tutorial in English HERE and in German HERE.

Be sure to stop by Schnegge's Tags and view all of her tutorials.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Strange Brew! It's Mew from Digicats (and Dogs)!

Strange Brew

I wasn't even 2 weeks old for my first Halloween and my folks dressed me up as a little witch and took pictures. Prophetic, as I've been a witch ever since.

Strange Brew is your chance to show off your bewitching nature. This taggers size kit includes 20 grungy papers in traditional Halloween colors of black, purple, orange and green and comes with 110 hauntingly fun elements, including three haunted delivery vans courtesy of Creative Intentionz, and a selection of the best little witch cookies in town, created by ©Sophisticated Scraps and Imaging.

You also get 6 fall leaves, 6 flairs, 5 beaded staples, 5 bows, 5 candles, 5 candy corn ribbons, 3 flowers, 5 ghost ribbons, 5 ribbons, 5 sparkles, 4 candy corn, 3 dragonfly charms, 2 sunflowers, 2 barbed wire, 2 bats, 2 bubbles, 2 cauldrons, 2 webs, 2 goth trees, 1 beat up bunny, 1 beware sign, 1 book of shadows, 1 broom, 1 cuppa, 1 full moon, 1 handbag, 1 jack-o-lantern, 1 purple people eater, 1 silly spider, 1 vampire bat, and one spiderweb curtain.

Special thanks to Digiweb Studios for the clip art used in the creation of this design.

Now, lay some treats on me before I decide to demonstrate some of my better tricks!

Personal use only please!

Note: his kit has been retired and is available for FREE elsewhere on this blog!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Computer Issues

Well, I sort of knew this was coming, but on Friday night my computer finally bit the big one. I had to reformat the hard drive and am now in process of trying to find and re-install of my files. That's the bad news.

The good news is that its now running about a billion times faster and with some luck, I'll be able to start doing full sized kits, something everyone has been bugging me for! :)

I did locate some stuff and was able to put together a new Halloween kit, which I should have out in stores soon, called "Strange Brew".

Here's a bit of a sampling:

Strange Brew

Strange Brew will be available in taggers sized only. And I'm not sure I'm sold on Tabitha for the poser that will go in the kit yet. Medi just released some new ones, and I might go with one of those.

The alpha is by Bits'N'Bobs and is not included either. Sorry!

I'm still missing a ton of files -- fonts, shapes, brushes, fills - but I'm working on it.

I also had my first case of pirating this weekend, as some one was illegally sharing the Chili Peppers kit.

Okay Ladies. What part of "you may NOT redistribute, rebroadcast, resale, or claim my graphics as your own" did you not understand?

If you are putting the kit on 4Shares, Rapid Share, Media Fire, etc, and allowing people to download it for free, you are REDISTRIBUTING the kit, which is strictly prohibited under my terms of use.

Happily, the file sharing service involved blocked the link immediately upon receiving my notice of copyright violation. Personally, I think they should delete that members account AND block them from rejoining, but's hard to get all the services out there to do the same thing.

On a happier note, Julie at Bits'N'Bobs has passed along the "Blog de Ora" award to me.

Here are the guidelines for accepting the award:
1 - Display the prize.
2 - Link to the Blog from whom you received it.
3 - Nominate another 10 blogs.
4 - Leave a message for them on their blog.

Since she hit up most of the ladies I'd normally pass this on to, I'm going to go the easy route and give it to all the the designers over at ladies are the best! ;)

And check out Kirsty's new little TeaCup Faes! I swear, we puts out the MOST adorable templates!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Indian Summer

These two tags were done using my "Indian Summer" taggers kit which will be available on Tuesday, September 1, as part of the Gothic Inspirations Blog Train.

I was originally loath to name in "Indian Summer" since most designers seem to have at least one kit named that, but in the end I couldn't think of anything better, and believe me, I tried.

I even browsed through my Tony Hillerman books to see if something caught my eye, but...

Part of the problem is it's such a miss-match of Native American material that I doesn't really belong to any one tribe. It's a fantasy piece, more than anything. And while most people associate the American West with the various Native American Tribes, the truth is that they lived all through North America.

(As well I know, the Seminole Tribal Council holds quite a bit of power in the state of Florida.)

So this is set more in the woods, than in the American West and it could be anywhere and any tribe.

The term "Indian Summer" itself really has nothing to do with Indians these days, although most theories on the origin of the term lie in the Native American culture. This came up on the blog train list of course as one of the designers asked if they HAD to do Native American themed, and I said no, of course not.

Indian summer is a name given to a period of sunny, warm weather in autumn, not long before winter. Usually occurring after the first frost, Indian summer can be in September, October, or November in the northern hemisphere, and March, April, or early May in the Southern hemisphere. It can persist for a few days or extend to a week or more. An alternative to St Martin's summer was "Saint Luke's summer", as the saint's feast day is October 18. Another alternative was "All-hallown summer", as Halloween is October 31.

There are 43 or so different theories on the origin of the term. Author Daniel J. Boorstin speculates that the term originated from raids on European colonies by Indian war parties; these raids usually ended in autumn, hence the extension to summer-like weather in the fall as an Indian summer.

Another popular theory is that this was traditional period during with North American First Nations/Native Americans harvest their crops of squash and corn.

Another, not so nice theory is that Native Americans were often seen by European settlers as deceitful and treacherous, the phrase Indian summer may simply have been a way of saying "false summer."

I should note that on the whole the European Settlers proved more deceitful and treacherous in the end, handing out deeds to lands to the Native Americans, and then moving them again when the lands proved valuable. And need I say then very owned the lands in the first place, as the First Nation tribes were there well...FIRST and were the original owners.

I finally went with the Native American theme though as MediEvil Creations came out with the beautiful little Cheyene cookies and I wanted to use them in a that's how I ended up with Native American themed kit called "Indian Summer".

There are a lot of fun things included...30 patterned papers and 101 elements. I'm sure you'll enjoy it and the fact that you'll be able to snag it for free will make it even more fun for you.

So mark your calendars and be sure to stop back on Tuesday, September 1st when both the Gothic Inspirations Blog Train and the Bits'N'Bobs "Back to Nature" Blog Train leave the stations.

No new releases this weekend, I'm afraid. I've been recruited to work extra hours at my day jobs, so my designing time will be limited. So this is the perfect time to grab those kits you've been wanting - you won't have to wait - worrying that I'm going to surprise you with something you want more. LOL!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Wild 4 You

For a while there I was beginning to think that if anyone called and wanted to know what I was doing this weekend, my response was going to be "working on the Bits'N'Bobs Blog Train kit". Happily things really started falling together last night and I'm near done.

Wild about you!

So maybe tonight I can do some tagging for fun...although at least one of the tags is going get done using my contribution to the Gothic Inspirations blog train....just in case I need to tweek it a bit.

Please note that the alpha I used on the tag is NOT included in the kit. I thought about it, but I've already spent too much time on the wretched thing.

I also need to do some work on the Summer Daze kit. This one is still available for Free on the August Goodie Train...BUT...the PTU version is going to have more papers, more food, more rides and more fun!

Digi's already made himself quite ill on hot dogs and innumerable bump car rides! LOL!

You have until Wednesday, September 1st to snag the FTU version, which you can find HERE.

40% off sale this Friday, Saturday and Sunday on my products at Sophisti-Scraps, Scrappetizing and Miss Bee Hiven! And wait until you see the sale we've cooked up next month for you! Woot! I'm excited!

Anyway, out of the depths of Africa, I'm now dashing off to the American Frontier....

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bungle in the Jungle

I was hoping to finish up my contribution to Julie's blog train yesterday. The train theme is "Back to Nature" and my particular portion is a bit of a bungle in the jungle. Unfortunately I've also gotten hooked on Jules' scripts so this has taken me a bit longer than I like. So I'm not quite done.

However, around 6:30 my back was hurting enough that I had to go lay down for awhile, and as I turned around, what to my wondering eyes should appear:

Butt Buddies

Diamond has just been awful to Tristan for the last 3 weeks or so, mostly because of the upheaval in the household from the new fridge. Diamond was sure, because we were moving everything around that we were moving and it was all Tristan's fault, so she's been on his case every five minutes. It seems however they finally kissed and made up.

Well...this is as much kissing and making up as they are like to do.

The tiger sleeps tonight

And doesn't Tris look comfy?

The scraps are from the Jungle kit I'm working on. The blog train leaves the station on Tuesday, September 1st, and you'll be able to snag this on for free!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Phin Fans Unite! Show your team spirit!


Miami has the Dolphins, who have, of late, not been the greatest football team in the world. But we die hard fans still love 'em. This taggers sized theme kit was put together to help you show your team spirit for the upcoming season.

Note that this is a fan produced kit. No infringement of copyrights or trademarks is implied or intended. All "logos" are original designs, and not taken from team publications.

For the stalwart Dol-fanatic, you'll find 24 solid and patterned 800 x 800 .jpg papers, plus an additional 80 elements. Included are 12 frames (4 rectangular paper frames, 4 square cardboard frames and 4 round cardboard frames), 5 crumpled paper tags, 8 flowers, 6 word arts, 4 raffia bows, 4 ribbons, 4 ric-racs, 4 string wrap, 3 footballs, 2 bull horns, 2 "Dan the Man" jerseys, 2 dolphins, 2 foam fingers, 2 helmets, 2 jerseys, 2 jeweled hearts, 1 team cap, 1 game play chart, 1 goalpost, 1 marker, 1 #1 Trophy, 1 side line cone, 1 stopwatch, 1 sun, and 1 TD (Mascot).

Also included are 3 pompoms and 4 "Cheersquad" posers created by MediEvil Creations.

Just about everything you could need - except tickets to the big game of course.

Personal Use only please!

Let's Go Phins!

This kit has been retired and is now available for FREE elsewhere on this blog!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Two New Releases

Chili Peppers

Originally conceived as a bit of a fan tribute to the music of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, this digital taggers kit features a musical motif throughout.

20 (800 x 800 pixel, .jpg) papers, plus 77 .png elements including 9 frames (4 chrome frames, 3 round frames, 2 rectangular group frames), 5 worn paper tags, 5 bows, 5 butterflies, 5 flowers, 5 musical notes, 5 shoelace wraps, 4 twisty ribbons, 3 CD's, 3 pairs of fuzzy handcuffs, 3 limos, 3 word arts, 2 hanging bunches of chili peppers, 2 motorcycles, 2 music elements, 2 chili peppers, 2 palm trees, 1 chrome jet, 1 piece of barbed wire, 1 city graphic, 1 Daddy's Girl charm, 1 fender guitar, 1 cactus, 1 iPod, 1 skyline, 1 license plate, 1 loopy ribbon, 1 pretty devil charm, and 1 sun graphic.

Lots of tagging fun and you don't have to be a Chili Peppers fan to enjoy it!

300 DPI. Personal Use only.

This kit has been retired and is available for FREE elsewhere on this blog!

The Dragon's Lair

Also going into my stores this weekend is Enchanted Forest II: The Dragon's Lair.

Deep in the Enchanted Forest lies adventure beyond your wildest dreams.  Magic abounds and not all paths are safe ones.  Is your future written in the stars?  Or will fate take you into...The Dragon's Lair?

This digital taggers kit is a follow up to my Enchanted Forest taggers kit and is composed in a similar color pallet.  Inside you will find 36 papers, plus 113 Elements including 12 frames (6 round, 6 square) with a star motif, 6 grungy star tags, 6 bows, 6 dragonflies, 6 delicate flowers, 6 patterned skull tapes, 6 ribbons, 6 ribbon wrap, 6 string butterflies, 6 strings, 5 glitter swirls, 4 mushroom houses, 4 trees, 4 vines, 3 candles, grassy border, 3 tiger lilies, 2 swan mays, 2 Fae lights, 2 blue jays, 2 shooting stars, 2 dragons, 1 black unicorn, 1 castle in the clouds, 1 crescent moon, 1 frog prince, 1 harvest moon, 1 owl, 1 Pegasus, 1 tree stump, 1 wild cat, 1 vampiric dark elf, and 1 dryad.

300 DPI. Personal use only.

Note: this kit has been retired and is available for Free elsewhere on this blog!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New in Shops: Spellbook and Candle

Spellbook and Candle

Witchy Pooh has opened a magic shop. Stop in and enjoy a spell or a potion or have your fortune told. Browse her shelves. She's got all sorts of fabulous stuff!

This adorable little kit comes 25 800 x 800 .jpg papers, along with 10 frames and 5 tags, plus 70 .png elements including:

5 ribbons, 5 bows, 5 ric-rac, 5 wraps, 5 candles, 5 cardboard flowers, 5 roses, 5 stars, 5 stickpins 3 beaded wires, 2 crystal balls, 1 cauldron, 1 Dead Ted, 1 flair, 1 helga's hat, 1 set of potions, 1 Puffy cat, 1 spell book, 1 table, 1 tree with owl, 1 bat curtain, 1 butterfly charm, 1 dragonfly charm, 1 set of spellbooks, 1 Love Potion #9, 1 magic shop sign, 1 pendant, 1 pin, 1 star chain, 1 spider pin, and of course, 1 Witchy Pooh

Everything is saved to 300 DPI, making it just perfect to print up invitations to your Halloween party!

Includes 5 bonus papers and a set of stitched spooky shapes!

Personal Use only!

Note: this kit has been retired and is now available for FREE elsewhere on this blog!

Monday, August 10, 2009

My Punky Pony Tutorial


Tanya likes her ponies, so I thought I'd do up a tag with one for her. I used her Punk Fae tagger kit, which, oddly enough, doesn't have a pony in it. Ah well....

It's semi-free as the kit is on sale at Digital Chaos for 50 cents. LOL!

You can find the tutorial at Di Before Dawn tutorials.

(PS: Don't you just LOVE the tongue piercing?)

Chili Peppers Freebie

Chili Peppers Freebie

I was riding in the car and the Red Hot Chili Peppers were on the radio and I thought, "Hey, that would make a great kit". It started out as a mini-kit, but it sort of got away from me, and so YOU benefit. LOL!

This is a taggers sized kit with 20 800 x 800 .jpg papers, plus 77 .png elements including 9 frames (4 chrome frames, 3 round frames, 2 rectangular group frames), 5 worn paper tags, 5 bows, 5 butterflies, 5 flowers, 5 musical notes, 5 shoelace wraps, 4 twisty ribbons, 3 CD's, 3 pairs of fuzzy handcuffs, 3 limos, 3 word arts, 2 hanging bunches of chili peppers, 2 motorcycles, 2 music elements, 2 chili peppers, 2 palm trees, 1 chrome jet, 1 piece of barbed wire, 1 city graphic, 1 Daddy's Girl charm, 1 fender guitar, 1 cactus, 1 iPod, 1 skyline, 1 license plate, 1 loopy ribbon, 1 pretty devil charm, and 1 sun graphic.

Lots of tagging fun and you don't have to be a Chili Peppers fan to enjoy it!

300 DPI. Personal Use, Scrap 4 Hire, Scrap 4 Others Okay.

This kit has been retired and is now available for FREE!
Download your copy HERE.

I also have a tutorial up using this kit:

Century City

You can find it at Di Before Dawn tutorials.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

New in Stores: Brimstone!


Too early for Halloween? Not around my house it isn't! It never is too early, or too late!

This digital taggers kit was more or less inspired by my little black cat, who when she's good, is very good, but when she's bad, she's a little Devil!

Brimstone is comprised of 36 papers and 114 elements, including six custom made devil posers by ©MediEvil Creations.

Inside the kit are 18 frames, 6 bows, 6 buttons, 6 fire charms, 6 ribbon wraps, 6 ribbons, 6 roses, 6 skull tapes, 6 tags, 4 butterflies, 4 full moons, 3 blings, 3 blood splatters, 3 dragonfly charms, 3 Gothic candles, 3 tall candles, 3 word arts, 2 tombstones, 1 barbed wire, 1 flair, 1 cat charm, 1 clump of crab grass, 1 dead ted, 1 glass, 1 Gothic arc, 1 Gothic flames, 1 clump of grass, 1 pitchfork, 1 pretty devil charm, 1 scrying time, 1 vampire coffin, and 1 black cat.

And it's not just for Halloween! It's great for the Gothy tags too, but be warned! A few of the papers and elements may not be suitable for the faint of heart!

300 DPI. Personal Use only!

Note: this kit has been retired and is available for FREE elsewhere on this blog!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The return of Sophisti-Scraps!

While Sophisti-Scraps was down I wrote a tut using my Wild Horses taggers kit:

Native American Princess

I used one of Lisa's darling Pocahontis tubes! You can find the tutorial HERE.

In other creative team news, Scraps by j0eswife released a beautiful new megakit called "Where the Fairies Play". I've written up a very flexible tutorial using this kit, which you can find at HERE. One of the stores I'm in, Miss Bee Haven, requires a freebie every once in a while, and this gave me an idea for a new sort of quick tag, or Plug-N-Play tag if you will.

However, I don't have to worry about that until the first week of December - assuming I'm still with the store at this point. There is a new freebie coming up though, this Monday. Stay tuned for more information!

Monday, August 3, 2009

New Releases from Digicats (and Dogs)!

Pieces of Eight

Pieces of Eight photo

Avast there ye scruvy dog. Is it be treasures yer after? Well now, I know me of a chest just bursting with all sort of gems and gold!

Legend you say? Aye that may be, but it's a legend written on 36 patterned 800 x 800 .jpg papers. And look at all these other things ye'll be finding: 12 Frames, 11 tags, 6 bows, 6 ribbons, 6 ric-rac, 6 string wraps, 6 flowers, 6 doodles, 6 knot bows, 6 stick pins, 4 ropes, 3 shells, 3 sandy borders, 3 word arts, 2 parrots, 2 sharks, 2 palm trees, 2 pirates, 1 pelican, 1 anchor, 1 barrel, 1 candle, 1 chest, 1 dead man's chest, 1 dog, 1 gold doubloon, 1 hat & boots cluster, 1 jug, 1 set of keys, 1 lantern, 1 piece of eight, 1 pirate ship, 1 pistol, 1 rose, 1 ship charm, 1 skull, 1 treasure box, 1 undead monkey, 1 bandanna, & 1 eye patch.

Aye, it's a treasure all right. A treasure full off fun! So climb on board and join us as we sail the seven seas!

But be sure to mind Capt'n Silver lest she feed ye to the sharks. Arrrr!

This kit has been retired and is available for FREE!
Download your freebie HERE!


 photo DCD_Americana_TS.png

The Fourth of July may be over, but patriotism never goes out of style. This fabulous taggers sized themed kit is done in shades of red, white and blue and features American Annie Clip art by Whimsy Primsy/Digi Web Studios.

Inside you'll find 30 800 x 800 pxl papers saved in .jpg format, 12 frames (7 square, 5 round) with a star motif, 5 "dogtags" with Annie on them, 5 bows, replicas of the Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence on Vellum, 13 Doodles including 8 Fireworks doodles, a "4th of July" doodle, balloon doodles, a corset doodle, a flag doodle, and an Uncle Sam Hat doodle, 5 "Fireworks" flowers, 4 Fuzzlees on Stars, 5 Glitter Swirls, 5 hanging stars, 5 loopy ribbons, 5 curly ribbons, 5 flat Star Ribbons, a Star Light Curtain, 10 "American Annie" stickers, 5 star stickpins, 5 Twisty Ribbons, 4 winged Ornaments, 5 Wraps with birthday bows, 3 fireworks by Outlaw by Design, plus, as Digi states "Liberty and Freedom for all".

Saved to 300 DPI, it's available for Personal use only please!

This kit ahs been retired is now available for FREE!
Download your copy HERE.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Goodie Blog Train Freebie

The Goodie Blog Train has left the station! Thanks for joining us for the ride!

As we head into the Dog Days of Summer, I have brought you something to perk you up in heat - a trip to an amusement park. Ride the roller coaster or the Merry Go-Round, or go for a spin on the big Ferris Wheel. And don't forget to stop off and play some games on the midway!

Summer Daze photo DCD_SummerDaze_TS.png

This brightly colored taggers size kit comes with 40 papers and 96 Elements! You are getting 5 bows, 5 clips, 5 doodle butterflies, 5 felt birds, 5 felt flowers, 5 heart strings, 5 ricrac, 5 rope frames, 5 square frames, 5 stick pins, 5 ticket tags, 4 fireworks, 3 bumper cars, 3 carousel horses, 3 felt leaves, 2 cotton candies, 2 ice lolly, 2 snow cones, 2 summer double hearts, 2 suns, 1 firecracker, 1 hot dog, 1 soda can, 1 ticket booth, 1 corn dog, 1 ferris wheel, 1 games ticket, 1 hot air balloon, 1 ice cream cone, 1 lolly, 1 plush bear, 1 popsicle, 1 rides ticket, 1 roller coaster, 1 scrappy puppy, 1 monkey organ, and 1 monkey.

It's the best parts of summer, all rolled up into one package that you can enjoy on your computer! Come on and take a spin!

3000 DPI. Personal use only.

Please remember that by downloading this kit you agree to my terms of use which state, in part that that that you cannot redistribute, rebroadcast, resale, or claim my graphics as your own. That means placing this kit on 4Shared, RapidShare or any other file sharing site for any reason is a strict NO-NO! That constitutes redistribution.

If you know someone who is interested in this kit , please direct them to my blog where they can download their own copy. Free to use is NOT the same thing as free to share. My graphics are copyright protected.

Plus I already pay for premium download service so you don't have to wait for your freebies, and the links stay here FOREVER, so you don't have to put this kit anywhere else to share it, just link to this post.

To download from MediaFire, click HERE.
The password is "TYVM" - no quotes.

If you enjoyed this freebie, please take a moment to vote for Digi!

Over the Rainbow
Click on the blinkie to vote!

Don't forgot to visit all the rest of the stops on this great train! And when you download, please leave a word of thanks for the designers, it's the fuel that keeps these blog trains running! <-- You are here!

Remember that you can keep up with all the latest Digicats news and freebies just by liking us on Facebook, or following us on Twitter!

Blue Lagoon - Dianna photo BlueLagoon_03252011Dianna.jpg

Bits'n'Bobs Blog Train Freebie!

Train photo

Whooo! Whoooo! It's that time of month again as the Bits'N'Bob's blog train roars out of the station! This time, the destination is Fantasy Land so jump on board to land yourself some fabulous fantasy freebies!

My addition to this fine train is a follow up to my Enchanted Forest taggers kit, it's called "Enchanted Forest 2: The Dragon's Lair". I've add a lot of little different mythology in there, from Brownies to Unicorns, magical creatures abound.

If you already have my Enchanted Forest kit, you'll find the colors compliment each other, and you can combine the two to make one great big mega kit.

I've added 36 celestial themed papers this time around and indeed, you'll find a bit of a celestial theme throughout the whole kit. There's also an assortment of 12 starry frames and 6 tags.

Among the other 94 elements in the kits, you'll find castles in the air, mushroom house, frog princes, dryads, magical swan maidens, wise old owls and yes! - even a fire breathing dragon to two!

The Dragon's Lair

Please remember that by downloading this kit you agree to my terms of use which state, in part that that that you cannot redistribute, rebroadcast, resale, or claim my graphics as your own. That means placing this kit on 4Shared, RapidShare or any other file sharing site for any reason is a strict NO-NO! That constitutes redistribution.

If you know someone who is interested in this kit , please direct them to my blog where they can download their own copy. Free to use is NOT the same thing as free to share. My graphics are copyright protected.

Plus I already pay for premium download service so you don't have to wait for your freebies, and the links stay here FOREVER, so you don't have to put this kit anywhere else to share it, just link to this post.

To download from MediaFire, click HERE.
The password is "TYVM" - no quotes.

If you enjoyed this freebie, please take a moment to vote for Digi!

Joanne's Digital Designs Topsite
Click on the blinkie to vote!

Don't forgot to visit all the rest of the stops on this great train! And when you download, please leave a word of thanks for the designers, it's the fuel that keeps these blog trains running!

Train station
KnC Scraps
Digicats (and Dogs) <--You are here
Felice Original
Digital Blueprint
Tagging Angels and Scraps
Seachell's Scrapz
The Cat's Meow
Gothic Inspirations
Scraps by j0eswife
Sam's Scraps
Krissy's Scraps
Winter's Loft

Don't forget that you can keep up with all the latest Digicats news and freebies just by liking us on Facebook, or following us on Twitter!

Fairies Play - Dianna photo