
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Amazing Discoveries

Monday was "Columbus Day" in America, a sort of quazi-Holiday. Teddy Roosevelt proclaimed it a holiday during the great depression when he felt Americans needed something to cheer them up. But given the controversy over Columbus' "discovery" of America, not all states observe it.

Some call it "Indiginous Peoples Day" for the tribes that have always lived here; for some it's Explorer's Day and for others it is Discovery Day.

I discovered something on Columbus Day this year. I pulled my health insurance statement on line and "discovered" that the reason my perscription cost jumped from $15 to $70 about six months ago was not due the change in the medication, but rather to the fact that Walgreens has been billing it on my "Walgreens Savings Club" card and not my PPO plan.

I went in yesterday, rather ticked off. Frank rebilled it, but the refund has to come from coporate, so I have to wait for it. Needless to say I will not be renewing my Walgreens Savings Club card in January as all it's done so far is cause me a bunch of headaches.

They should rename it the Walgreen's Headache Club Card.

In any case, Team Trouble is sponsoring the Medical Mayhem Blog Train later this month, it leaves the station on October 26th, and I came up with an interesting spin on the Medical theme. I decided to go tropical and seek out a witch doctor to cure my ills...he'd probably be cheaper than my PCP, and probably a good deal more competant too.

Witch Doctor

This was my first take. The tube is an older one from SSLisa, it was part of the original Paradyce Lost collab. I was really unhapp with the potion bottle, so you'll noticed that got changed. The bone alpha is courtesy of Free Digital Scrapbooking and is not included in the kit.

Witch Doctor

Tanya is (c) by Perfect Posers. I'd left the white background on this because I figured PhotoPrude would hae a problem with the way she was dressed and I'd have to host on Picasa, but so far, they've not deleted the image. The corregated cardboard alpha is a PTU one by Elyane Araujo. It's not going in the kit either.

I really dislike doing alphas, in case you haven't noticed. LOL!

Witch Doctor

The jungle is a dark and dangerous place. After spending a lot of time on the mask in the first tag, I cheated and added several from Medi. They look kind of tropical witchy-doctorish, sort of.

The Jungle Katt poser is by Perfect Poser. Charly has opened her new store and needless to say, I've already spend a good chunk of change there.

The toon giraffe is a CU item from Aussie Scrap Designs. I decided to throw a few in to lighten the mood of the kit up. The Wild Thing alpha (not included) is by Deanna's Dreams.

Witch Doctor

This is the last of the tags I did and you can see the changed potion bottle. There's a good deal of skulls in it, in case you haven't noticed, so it does have a bit of a Halloween flavor to it as well. The Safari Alpha is courtesy of Designs by Nora.

While you will have to wait a bit for this one, be sure to stop back tomorrow to pick up your Fangtasia Blog Train freebie. There are some killer kits on the train. I set the slide show up last night, so you can check them all out HERE.

Remember that the train runs on the designers' local time so not everyone will have their part up at the same time. You can expect mine around Midnight, Eastern Time. Be patient, everyone will get their part up!

A Vampire's Lust

It's a little bit of Vampire Love, coming your way....

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