
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fangtasic! tags by Ananya

Ananya from Flock of Fairies did these awesome animated tag using my Fangtastic! taggers kit.

You can still snag it for free if you haven't done so yet, but you've only got until Halloween night...then it becomes pay-to-use.

Fangtasic 1

Fangtasic 2

I love the animated bats on this one!

Fangtasic 3

With this tag, she used a poser by Jeanne at The first two tags use the "Just before Dawn" posers that are included in the kit.

She's got a couple of others on her site - you can check them out HERE - along with some tags made with kits from some of the other designers on the train.

Great stuff! Thanks for writing and showing me your work!

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