
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Last batch

Hallows' Eve

The download for Nette and Sherra's part of the train didn't have any paper, so I borrowed off their Ghost Train kit. The frame is also from the Ghost Train - Jo's DZigns offering. Witchy Poo however did come with the kit - she is (c) by MediEvil Creations. The tulips kind of confused me, but I have Jack O Lantern face ding, so I turned them into evil tulips. :)

The Creepy Alpha is from Winter's Loft, and I used it to good effect recently in a tutorial.

Hallows' Eve

The same deal applies with Sherra, although I did try to stick to using the Gothic Inspiration train colors. "Incognito" is by Aussie Scrap Designs.

I really like the doodle frame, BTW.

Hallows' Eve

There was a bit on the web about the University of Florida having a "Flesh Eating Zombie" plan on their emergency plan site, along with what to do in case of a hurricane and a nuclear holocaust. The University says it's just a bit of levity to enliven the otherwise depressing material.

Jen was way-laid by flesh eating monters and got her part up late, but she did finally get it up. "Lost little Ghoul" is (c) Bits'N'Bobs from her Halloween mix poser pack.

Hallows' Eve

Justine was way laid by flesh eating family, which is even worse than flesh eating zombies, but finally did get her portion of the train up. The Bloody Alpha, as mentioned before, is by Sarah at Pimp my Tag with Scraps.

Hallows' Eve

Tracy Did It gave us a full sized kit, but I like the style it was done in and was eager to try a tag with it. The alpha is included in the kit. Sorcha is (c) by MediEvil Creations.

Hallows' Eve

Judy says her portion of the train is "Just" an alpha, but it's not. It's three...actually! I used my portion of the train to do the tag. I bet you always wondered what witches brewed in those kettles. you know: Alphabet Soup!

Hocus Pocus is (c) by Perfect Posers. Charly didn't put put a lot of Halloween sets, but what she did put out was pretty spectacular.

Hallows' Eve

I like to save the best for last, so I finally got to Jessica's kit and was not let down. LOVE, LOVE, LOVe the Celtic frame and and the black cat - but then I'm partial to black cats.

Niedre is (c) by MediEvil Creations, and the Bloody Alpha is by Sarah at Pimp by Tags with Scraps.

Hallows' Eve

As a footnote, I did mention I found a freebie Justine had posted earlier called "It's a Witch Thing", and used it for this tag. The tube in included, there's no credit, so I don't know who the artist was, but I really like it.

The bronze alpha is from Pam at Digital Delights.

That does is for the Gothic Inspirations Blog Train for October. November sign up are in progress for what will be a CU train. If your interested in joining, you can visit the train station for more information.

I had an idea for this little fellow:

Fuzzlee Turkey

But they'll be a several other things accompanying him.

1 comment:

  1. Whoohooo, thank you so much for the awesome compliment on the kit hun and wicked taggie!! Posting on my blog now and then I'm taking a break, unhooking my internet so I can tut!! LMAO...I keep getting side tracked, following trains and reading emails...sighs...I swear I don't know where you find the time to do all that you do! Ok, going to snag your parts of the train and then getting off of
