
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Weekend Cat Blogging #231

Let's Rock!

Rock it Baby!

Well, delicious, delicious! Katie starts out our weekend cat blogging round up with some delicious chili! Yum! Yum! I hope she saved some for me!

Check it out at Glogirly & Katie.

Next Gattina and crew stop by to admire my box-bed. It seems there's something missing over at My Cats and Funny Stories.

The Demon Cat has been outside all day, but Luna stopped by to keep me company. She is at home in the studio, and I don't think she ever goes out.

No munchies, but some beautiful sweet kitty faces over at Paulchen's Food Blog.

Over at Sidewalk Shoes, Patchouli has a choice for you to make. I didn't feel it was much of a choice!


Over at Judi's Mind Over Matter, Jules, another House Panther, poses for the camera.

Perhaps they are having too much good food, but Kaz's Cats are regurgitating. They sent me a post on Three New Things from February of 2008? I think they are three old things now - sort of like the massage therapist is an old thing.

Rosa's Yummy Yums presents us with some yummy tabby pictures! Tabbies are always yummy!

tabby toes

So are tabby toes!

That's it for this round up! Need more cats? The Cat Boys are hosting This week's Bad Kitty Cats festival of chaos, while, Nikita has the big wheel spinning with the Carnival of Cats.


  1. Nice round-up! I look forward to next weekend's WCB. Have a good week! Judi, Jules, Vincent

  2. Great round-up. Hopefully we will see all of you at another WCB soon!sc

  3. That's a great roundup. Thanks for posting our contribution. There was a problem with the date due to our incompetent typist, and it took her a couple of days to fix it. You just can't get good help these days.


    Gypsy & Tasha
